Chapter 08 - Present

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Shu dragged a washcloth down his legs, wiping off the grime of the day, the dried blood still caked onto his skin, none were his. He then occupied himself with washing his hair. The night was silent and cold. The moon hung like a jewel in the pristine night sky. The raid was successful, Fubuki and Lain had been exceptional. But it was different. It was different because he felt the urge to show them, pull down the black cloth around his mouth, tug off the straw hat shading his eyes. He had never had the courage before, but Prince Free-

Shu sighed, looking at the rings of water on the wooden basin. His milk white skin, littered with scars. He dragged his finger through the one over his eye, the most pronounced one. He flinched, resting his head on the edge of the bath. He was so tired.

He had been certainly surprised when the urge continued. But he went against his reflexes, but Shu knew Fubuki noticed when he stared at his crimson eyes for a minute too long. They were so beautiful, the exact same shade of sunset crimson as his, but in Fubuki's diligent face they looked different. Not monstrous, not peculiar, the colour belonged to him. Shu rubbed his own eyes, wondering if Free was right after all. Maybe everyone didn't despise them the way he did. If Fubuki's red eyes were beautiful, maybe he was too. Maybe if he looked past this fog of insecurity he might actually notice something different.

Shu stood, wrapping the robe around himself. He grabbed hold of his black clothes and tiptoed to his room. Collapsing to his white bedspread, he sighed. He was exhausted.

A soft knock on the window woke him up from his dreamless sleep. Shu rubbed on his eyes, disoriented as he looked at the heavy curtains in his room when the knock sounded again. Shu tilted his head again, "It is I, your prince charming," A muffled voice said.

Shu sighed, raking a hand through his hair as he walked over to his window and pulled the curtain aside revealing the unsmiling face of the prince. Shu groaned, opening the window as he jumped in. "Good morning to you too."

"Good morning, your highness," Shu murmured, rubbing the sleep off his eyes.

"You look like hell," Free provided, walking over to the table and inspecting the stale jug of tea in the middle of it.

Shu stiffened when Free continued. "Hell as in, have you slept last night? There are dark rings under your eyes."

Shu blinked, "I did, until you decided to wake me up, Prince."

Free tilted his head, "I'm sorry." He pointed to his bed, oblivious. "Go ahead. Don't mind me."

Shu scoffed. Of course he would say that. "Anyway," He said, prodding through the binds of the thick books on the shelf, classics from the famous novelists in Fafnir. Shu waited for him to continue. "There's a lantern festival tonight to reminisce about the dead. Do you want to come with me?"

Shu stiffened. He knew about the lantern festival, but he also knew he'd be inside his room for the whole night because his mother wouldn't allow him to step out of the castle. Shu shook his head with a sad smile, "I'm sorry, but I don't think that will be possible considering," he gestured at his face.

Free tilted his head, "Because you're so gorgeous that others will stop and stare at you?"

Shu sighed, "Your highness."

Free rounded the table and stood in front of Shu with a teasing smile. "Your mother won't find out. And no one will see you. I know a secret place to watch the lanterns."

Shu shrugged, "I can always watch from my window." He averted his gaze to the floor, rubbing his elbow absentmindedly as Free carefully reached out and took his hands. After yesterday's incident, he was cautious when initiating contact. The blonde frowned, turning them over in his hands, noticing the calloused fingers.

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