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Slight Gore warning! }

Third person:

Kokushibo sat alone on the top of quite a steep hill. There was a cold but soft breeze in the air which didn't bother the demon as the cold barely did anything to him these days. He was sat on a boulder that had stains left there by the rain not long ago. Although Kokoshibo would never admit to liking such a thing, this was his favorite hill. It was steep, making it hard for any creature to actually climb up and disturb him, it was quiet, a trait Kokoshibo harbored as well  and it had a clear view of the moon. All of these combined created a peaceful atmosphere and Kokoshibo was glad to have marked it as his own.

Tonight he sat there, full of curiosity as the wind flew past him. His mind was confused about the previous events on the most part. 'What was that substance that Muzan drunk?', 'Why was it in Douma's estate?', 'He looked upset.' Kokushibo soon stood, watching as the moon slowly but surely hid beneath the horizon. He saw this and hopped off the hill, uneager to be hit by the sun's warm rays.

With Muzan:

(Still 3rd POV.)

Muzan's mind on the other hand, was more than peaceful. It was all over the place and the man had stained his shirt with sweat. He was doing his best to focus on the Hashira that had been killing many of his demons recently but his mind wavered to Kokushibo without fail. 

Soon, an idea finally erupted in his fogged head and he got up from his chair and made his way to Nakime. The female demon was silently tuning her biwa. 'Typical.'  Muzan thought as he approached. " Nakime. " He said and the female's hands froze and she raised her head, her eye was covered with her hair but he was certain she could still see him. "What is it you need of me my lord? " She said with a shaky voice, slowly adjusting her biwa to stand against her lap. 

Muzan POV / First Person:

" I want you to teleport Kokushibo as well as myself back to my office, i don't want to walk it back. " I said, placing a finger and making circles on my pulsing temple. " Right away Muzan-sama-! " She said with a small smile. She strum her biwa and i was back in my office, Kokushibo was also there, blinking slowly as he recognized the room. Once he did, (Which was in about five seconds) he lowered his torso downwards, in a half bow. 

Internally, i smiled. It seemed as he remembered what i had told him yesterday.

" What is that you need of me my lord? " He said, making me smirk at the deepness of his voice. " There's a hashira that's been disturbing my train of thought. Mind taking care of them for me? " I asked my loyal demon, knowing he would comply as he had no other choice in reality. " Of course my lord. Would you like me to bring you their head? " He asked, and i nodded. " Try to get them to tell you about Ubayashiki while you're at it. " It was he who nodded this time. " Anything else you want from me Muzan-sama? " " No. " I replied smoothly, getting to my feet and placing my hands on my desk. " You may leave. " I told him, and in the blink of an eye he vanished. 'I swear, he's too quick sometimes. ' I thought to myself, chuckling slightly.

Time skip! }

-Current location + People there: Kokushibo and random Hashira and tsuguko in a forest.

Kokushibo POV:

I entered the forest and i felt a relatively strong aura as well as a slightly weaker one. I instinctively placed a hand on the hilt of my katana. I knew the humans in this forest were weak compared to me but i never underestimated my opponents, it could lead to some very devastating blows. 

Nevertheless, i dashed through the trees and the they soon came into view. The stronger one reached up to my chest in height and she seemed quite slim as well. Although it was hard to tell due to her baggy clothes. She had dark skin and red hair. Her eyes were a pleasant green color, so were what i thought were tsuguko's. The weaker one was a male, he was slightly taller than the female hashira, reaching up to my collarbone. His hair was a pale blond as his skin was warm and peachy, unlike my own. 

The two seemed to feel my overwhelming presence as they were both drenched in sweat and both wielded their katanas. They stood in a defensive position, their backs against each other as they slowly rotated, eyes always searching. My own eyes narrowed and i silently unsheathed my katana and dashed at the weaker one. The female seemed to sense me and tried to make a swing at me but missed my fast-moving body as i reached the male. My katana made contact with his neck and with a swift movement the head of the boy flew off, landing on the woman's shoulder. 

She screamed and jumped away and i felt her surprise and sorrow radiate from her body.

I pointed my fleshy katana at her and spoke. " Tell me human, what do you know about Ubayashiki? " I asked, my eyes glaring into her soul. Looking disgusted, she eyed me but as soon as  I glared back and watched her recoil as she noticed the kanji in my eyes. I took my chance and dashed at her. She wielded her katana, ready for me but i used my own first. " Moon breathing, first form: Dark Moon, Evening Palace. " I murmured and she gasped, focusing on dodging my crescent blades she didn't notice me walk up behind her. 

" Speak now or i'll end you just like i did to the boy. " I told her in a growl and as she shook her head at me I brandished my sword and with one clean movement her head was separated from the rest of her body which i absorbed. Feeling stronger immediately.

With a sigh i set the woman's head on the ground geantly, not wanting it to be too damaged for when i presented it to Muzan-sama. I made my way over to the boy and absorbed his decaying body as well. Once i finished i grabbed the hashira's head by it's orange hair and took off, making my way to the house master was residing in.

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