Chapter 4: Miscreant

Start from the beginning

Moonbyul fought with grace, striking the necks of the robbers like they were gongs. George and Grant fell to the ground in their failed attempts to fight against Moonbyul.

Desperate and embarrassed, Gareth tried to use Yongsun as shield. Moonbyul quickly stopped him, but he ended up slashing Moonbyul's arm.

Moonbyul swung the stick hard, and it landed on the side of Gareth's head.

Gareth was knocked out. The other two quickly picked him up and took him away as they ran, not looking back.

"Moonbyul! Your arm-! It is bleeding!", Yongsun walked towards Moonbyul as she looked at his slashed arm.

"I think that is already apparent.", Moonbyul responded as she looked at her bleeding arm before glancing at Yongsun. "Are you alright? Are you unhurt?"

"I am fine. But you-"

"Are you certain? Did they lay a hand on you?" Moonbyul examined Yongsun carefully.

"I am alright, Moonbyul. It is you who needs to be treated. You are wounded!", Yongsun grasped Moonbyul's arm and gazed at her with concern.

"Do not pay heed. Tis nothing but a scratch", Moonbyul gently removed Yongsun's hand.

"But!", Yongsun wanted to go against Moonbyul but she could not find the words or the resolve to do so.

"Better me than you, Yongsun", Moonbyul said as she dropped the stick. "Your father will not be happy to hear it if you were hurt", Moonbyul added.

"You know my father?", Yongsun eyebrows were raised. She suddenly felt nervous and curious.

"No. But I do know that a good father would kill for her daughter", Moonbyul turned her back and returned to the forge, covering her wounded arm.

"Wait...", Yongsun was unable to thank Moonbyul. She was hesitant to follow him. She was running out of needed time as well. Yongsun decided to return to the castle with a sigh.

That night, Yongsun could not help but ponder why those thieves tried to take from her. Perhaps they had mistaken her for a Saxonian* merchant because of her golden hair. Despite the danger she faced earlier, she was in awe of Moonbyul. As much as she hated his arrogance, she also admired him. Yongsun wondered how one can be so strong, yet so gentle and graceful at the same time.

The next morning, Yongsun took it to herself to go and thank Moonbyul. She snuck out and went to the forge.

Unsurprisingly, Moonbyul was still hammering iron with her unaffected arm. She concentrated on her work and barely noticed Yongsun.

"Moonbyul?", Yongsun called out to him.

"Oh. You're here again", Moonbyul said, glancing at Yongsun's direction.

"I apologize for yesterday. It was in protecting me that you were hurt", Yongsun swallowed as she approached Moonbyul slowly.

"Do not apologize. There is no need for it. I had no intention to protect you. I simply despise people who do not work for themselves." Moonbyul continued to pound iron.

"That, and the truth that I do miss fighting", Moonbyul added.

"You hate me don't you?", Yongsun asked with sincerity.

"I do not. Perhaps I only dislike you. To tell the truth, you are... Quite annoying", Moonbyul uttered. Yongsun was the kind of person who got under Moonbyul's skin without trouble. She was annoying, and annoyingly beautiful as well.
Moonbyul could not look at Yongsun and she continued with her work.

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