Chapter Three~ Babysitting

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~*~Jane's POV~*~

Diane asked me to babysit today. Great. What if I wanted to do nothing all day? I obviously couldn't because I had to study for finals and do homework. Yay!! Not. I called my best friend, Ava, to help me.

Ava and I have been friends for years. It all started in dance class. Our dance teacher paired the class up into partners for stretching exercises. We were both pretty flexible, so we were both trying to out-do each other. We really became friends that day when we tried to make a heart with our bodies. We both fell into a fit of giggles at how silly we were acting. Ever since then, we've done everything together. Dance class, duets, track, cross country. EVERYTHING. We could always talk about everything with each other. Even when she came out to me that she was bi, nothing changed. We still talking about guys, but sometimes I feel bad because we don't talk about girls. But hey, we're still friends.

"Hey bitch."

"Sup ho?"

"I love our greetings to each other." I said as I hugged her.

"I know right?! Ready to get our study on?" Ava asked me. I saw Kyle walking out of his house to shoot hoops on his driveway. Which is under my window.

"Oh. You want to get it on, Ava?" I said loud enough for Kyle to hear, while winking at her and pointing to Kyle. She immediately caught on.

"Oh I would love to Jane. It's my wildest dream." She said, playing along perfectly. I saw Kyle looking at my window. Shock on his face.

"You know what you should do Ava? You should kiss my ass just like Kyle should." I said, looking at him through my window.

"What are you looking at White Boy? Leave." Ava said sternly. Oh I taught this girl well.

"What the hell..?" Kyle muttered. Ava and I fell on my bed in a fit of laughter.

"We better get to studying." Ava said.

"Kill me instead." I suggested.

"I don't want to end up on I Killed My BFF. So no. I won't kill you."

"I'll tell the cops not to send you to jail."

"How could you do that if you're dead?"

"Um. I'll haunt them..?" I said in a questioning voice.



"Study your damn book."

"Sir, yes Sir." I said while saluting. "I mean Sir, yes ma'am." I stuttered. "Fuck! Ma'am, yes ma'am. There we go. I said it right that time."

"My God J. Shut the fuck up and read the book."

"Sir, yes-"

"Jane. If you finish that  sentence, I'll rip out your ovaries, shove them down your throat, pull one end out of your ass, and the other out of your nose and wear you as a bracelet." She threatened.

"Ok." I managed to gulp.

"Jk." She laughed. "But seriously. Study."

"Yep. Will do s-"


"Ok." I backed down.

I looked at Ava and she looked at me and we burst out laughing again. This is why we're best friends.


I was going to knock on the Lordes' door when I heard yelling.

"But Mom! I have a date with Becky tonight. I can't babysit." I thought I was babysitting. Now I'm confused.

"You can reschedule. You're babysitting with Jane tonight." Whoa. Hold up. I'm going to be babysitting with Kyle? Why?

"What? Why am I babysitting with Jane?" Kyle asked.

"To show her what to do. You and I both know you're brothers and sister are a handful. They've made all their babysitters leave before I could pay them. They'll at least listen with you around."

"Fine." Kyle sighed. "But you have to pay me."

"Deal." Diane confirmed. I took that as my cue to knock.

"Hi Jane! Come on in and I'll tell you what's going on." Diane greeted me. "Kyle is going to be helping you babysit tonight because my kids are kind of wild and Kyle is here to help make them listen." Diane instructed.


"Kyle will tell you what to do and anything you need to know." She said while grabbing her purse. "Well, I'm off to work." She said, kissing Kyle's cheek. "Behave. Don't burn the house down. Bye."

I turned to Kyle. "So, um, where are the kids?" I asked.

"They're playing outside." Kyle said avoiding my gaze. "I'll go get them." He said sheepishly. Why isn't he looking at me? He's acting, shy. That's odd.

I followed him outside to see three kids playing on a swing set.

"Kyle!" A little girl squealed. She ran to him and he picked her up with a smile on his face. He almost looked, not like him for once.

"Who's that?" I heard the little girl whisper.

"Why don't you go ask her." Kyle whispered back, smiling while putting her on the ground.

She walked over to me.

"Hi. My name is Kaila. I'm four years old. Who are you?" She asked, getting right to the point.

I laughed. "Well Kaila. My name is Jane and I live next door."

"How old are you?" She asked.

"Sixteen. Like your brother." I replied.

"Are you and my brother friends?"

"Uh, well, um." I looked at Kyle, and then back at Kaila. "I don't you'll have to ask Kyle." I said. That took me by surprise.

She ran over to Kyle.

"Kyle. Are you and that girl friends?" Kaila asked.

"I don't know. Kind of, I guess." He answered.

"What does that mean?" She asked.

"Aren't you full of wonderful questions today?" Kyle said while putting her down.

"Well I just wanna know." Kaila said.

"Don't we all." I mumbled.

"You say something?" Kyle asked.

"What? Uh, no. So? What's first?" I said.

"Dinner." Kyle exclaimed.

"Mac and cheese!" Kaila yelled.

"Fine. Go get Keenan and Karter." Kyle said, bringing up the other two kids I have yet to meet.

This was going to be a long night.

//AN// Hey guys. I changed the title because there were a lot of The Boy Next Door books, and the title is kind of cliche anyway. I'm also going to try to establish a consistent routine for updating. I don't what it will be yet, but I'll tell you when I got. =) Comment and vote!! : )

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