Chapter 14

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A dagger swung loosely from her hands as she spun it, her eyes glowing as she brooded, sparking up a conversation in her head.

'When are you going to allow us to finish the job? I thought our main priority is to follow the orders and kill?'

'It never changed; I just want to further explore this . . . connection I have with him.'

She could feel the demoness' displeasure at the offer, 'I say we kill him. That 'connection' is annoying me.'

'Then, I guess you'll have to decide between us.'

The large wolf shook herself and laid down, resting her head on her paws thoughtfully, 'I don't think there's any harm in waiting a little longer and manipulating him further.' 

She didn't wait for any more arguments and allowed the glow in her eyes to fade as she brought herself back to reality. 

Her mind drifted to Loki once again, and she found herself wondering. She knew for sure that they had a connection, yet there were still many aspects she wasn't sure about. 

Was it . . . 

She shook her head quickly, pushing the thoughts aside as she tried to focus on something else instead. 

A bang on the door distracted her from her brooding, the loud noise leaving her sharp ears ringing. She opened the door to find no one there, and there wasn't anyone nearby who could've done that.  Looking down, she noticed a letter. 

The letter was completely normal in its appearance: a neatly folded white paper rectangle without any markings or writing on the outside. Simple and elegant, without any extra decorations. It wasn't a fancy letter, but its contents could be anything. 

All of a sudden, a high-pitched whistle pierced her head sharply, the pain overwhelming and indescribable. It felt like the very fabric of the mind was tearing itself apart, an agony so intense that each moment felt like an eternity. However, it stopped as soon as it begun, leaving her confused and recovering. 

Yells echoed from the hallway and guards rushed past, sparking her curiosity. Leaving the letter on the table, she closed the door and ran off behind them, following at a distance. She trailed them as they twisted and turned through the many hallways of the palace, not knowing who they were chasing after yet. 

As they turned a corner, she caught a glimpse of Sylvia, with her dark hair peeking through the hood and purple eyes barely visible through the shadows. Her sister seemed to be carrying something, clutching at an object hidden under the cloak. She paused in her tracks, a glint reflecting off the mystery item. 

As they vanished into the distance, she shook her head quickly to compose herself. Everything seemed to be in such a mess, happening so quickly. Dazed, she returned to her room, barely remembering what spurred her to leave. 

That shrill noise from before rung in her ears, a haunting shadow to torment her. Making up her mind, she changed course again, dashing off towards where Wolfy should be.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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