Chapter 1

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The sky crackled with the destructive lightning of the gods, while thunder rumbled throughout the land. In the distance, a vast structure stood tall in the storm, towering above the other buildings as its spires reached into the sky. Lightning seemed to dance around it, wreathing the building with its golden light, and causing it to stand out from the dull surroundings.

The streets were empty: no one would want to be out during the storm, except for the lone figure making her way through the pouring rain. With that black cloak on, she might as well have been a shadow, moving with that unnerving grace.

She headed toward that particular skyscraper, her soft steps inaudible through the roar of the rain. The servants barely cast her a sideways glance as she entered, undaunted by the lightning that struck the ground behind her, and focused on their own tasks.

Without bothering to remove her soaked cloak, she continued down the hallway, down several corridors, until she reached a beautiful, golden pair of double doors. She flashed her golden card at them and they let her in with a nod.

As soon as she was in, they closed, but she didn't seem bothered, walking down the long hallway and only stopping when she reached the end. A short flight of steps led up to a raised ivory platform, on which a throne stood proudly. On the golden throne sat no other than Odin himself, king of the Asgardians.

The Allfather was a towering figure, fierce and imposing. His golden eyes were fiery and stern, his gaze piercing. His long hair was grey with age, the color of storm clouds, his beard trimmed. He was clad in a chain-mail vest beneath his golden armor, and the eye patch on where his right eye would be only made him look even more intimidating.

Two ravens were perched on his shoulders, Huginn and Muninn, their beady black eyes unblinking and threatening. His pair of now-gray wings were groomed, every feather carefully polished and positioned.

She dropped on one knee, kneeling on the soft carpeted floor, with her head bowed respectfully, "You called, my liege?" The voice that rang through the room was clear and respectful, yet there was some dark amusement and seduction.

Odin nodded, waving a hand dismissively as he replied, "Yes, you can stand up now. "And take off that cloak, agent," he added, after a moment.

She stood swiftly, pulling the hood free to reveal a beautiful, youthful face with skin as flawless as an alabaster canvas. What always caught his attention, though, was her dark red lips that contrasted against her pale skin perfectly. As his eyes dipped briefly down to them, the corners of that beautiful mouth quirked up in a smirk, as if she knew what he was thinking.

She is definitely beautiful, and her beauty could make even Freyja -the goddess of love and beauty- jealous. Despite having the dream body of any woman -human or goddess- her eyes had no love or kindness in them. Her poison-green eyes were like a snake's, narrow and almond-shaped with sharp slits for irises. They gleamed with the coldness and harshness that can even compare to the frozen landscape of Antartica.

If eyes were doorways into souls, and hers are doorways into Hell, then she has no soul, or at least not a human one.

That was the sole reason why Odin hadn't taken her into his bed yet, and why people start rumors that she was a demon.

The agent's smile vanished, and she went straight back to business, "Is there a reason that you summoned me here, or do you just want to see me?" The respect in her voice remained, despite her words.

"I have your next target ready," he murmured, lowering his voice secretively as he tossed her a file.

She skimmed through the information and paused, looking up at her king when she was done, "You want me to kill a god?" It felt more of a statement, a confirmation, than a question. "I don't have a Godkiller weapon, though, so are you going to supply me with one?"

Godkillers were weapons of immense destruction, capable of slaying those who cannot be slain, including gods. A few had been made by demons when they had worked with the gods, before they were banished. Now, they were just myths, nothing more than legends, lost for centuries.

"You don't have to kill him, like ensure that he stays dead. You can just kill him the traditional method, in the way he can come back."

It was confusing, but that was how gods, and some of the higher-ranking demons worked. They are immortal, which means that they will return as long as they are not killed by a Godkiller, and the time depends on the brutality of the kill, ranging from weeks to centuries.

She replied with a nod of her head, "I understand. Can I go now?"

"As much as I want you to stay, we have no time to waste. I will host a ball tonight to allow you to get close to him. You are dismissed, go prepare."

She nodded again before leaving, pulling her hood over her head as she made her way to her room in Odin's palace.

The agent had barely reached her room when she detected the scent of two women, probably the servants Odin had sent to help her prepare. Odin already had a dress prepared for her, and he had definitely not spared any expense on the gown.

She went through the details of the 'target' again in her head as the servants did her hair, her eyes calculating and cold with evil glee.

Agent XenaWhere stories live. Discover now