Chapter 2

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By the time the clock chimed, striking twelve, she had started to make her way downstairs to the ballroom. As she entered the dance hall, the guests could not help but turn and stare. She resembled one of those princesses in fairytales in her emerald, floor-length gown that moved like water around her form.

Her long, straight hair was parted in the center of her forehead, giving a sense elegance and sophistication. The parted hair fell in two neat sections, framing her face and highlighting her beautiful features. A part of her hair was pulled into a side ponytail, the dark brown locks swooping over her shoulder in a cascade of dark waves. The rest of her hair was let loose, the strands ending in elegant and soft curls.

The ballroom was a flurry of activity and celebration, with rich velvet curtains adorning the windows, their golden brocade glinting in the lights. A golden chandelier dangled above the center of the room, illuminating the dancers with its sparkle and golden light. The air was filled with the sounds of music and laughter, while the scent of perfume and sweat permeated the room. The Asgardian guests were dressed in their finest clothes, their jewelry and accessories flashing in the lights. The mood was one of joy and celebration, the ball an auditorium for the privileged and the upper-classed.

She looked around, taking in the sights and sounds of the celebrations around her, allowing the music to wash over her. The music was enchanting, a smooth melody of strings and piano, punctuated by the occasional flourish of flutes and violins. Her eyes landed on the orchestra in the further corner of the room that played with that grace and skill, creating a mesmerizing atmosphere. She allowed a small smile to show on her face. After all, she had always liked music.

The undercover agent pried her eyes from the band and back to her surroundings, a sharp-looking man catching her eye this time. He turned and met her gaze, his dark emerald eyes twinkling with cold amusement and pride. Loki approached her with confident strides, bowing low as he addressed her, "My lady, I must confess, I am quite taken by your beauty," he began, his voice as smooth as silk. "If you would honor me with a dance, I would be forever in your debt."

She flashed him one of her charming yet sly smiles, the corners of her mouth turned up in a devious way. Her eyes fixed on him, her smile as charming as it was manipulative. She knew full well the effect of her beauty on the men around her, and she was not afraid to use it. Her sly smile was full of promise and intrigue, her mind constantly working, seeking ways to further her own interests.

She dipped her head in a nod, and he extended his arm invitingly. She took it, and they moved gracefully to the sweet music as they stepped onto the dance floor.

As they danced, their steps in perfect sync, they could feel the electricity of connection between them. The movement of their bodies, the gaze they shared, it was all too easy to imagine that they are not strangers, but rather a couple who had danced together many times before. As the song came to an end, they stood facing one another, their breaths mingling in the air. All of a sudden, the moment was broken, and they were nothing but strangers once again, their gazes drifting apart as the music faded into the distance.

Just before she left him, he called out to her, "Wait, would you care to stay for a little longer?"

The young lady paused and turned, and his eyes were just so hopeful and . . . cute, that she couldn't help but smile, a sincere one that made his heart flutter, "Sure."

Soon, they ended up on the balcony, with the beautiful night sky right over their heads. The sky was clear, and the stars seemed to shine even brighter than usual. The night was perfect for romance, the air crisp and cool, with an occasional soothing breeze blowing through their hair. The two moons of Asgard were both full, their lights casting pale shadows across the landscape and painting the sky with a soft and romantic glow.

It was the type of night where lovers would look into each other's eyes and lose themselves in the moment, the magic of the night filling their souls with a sense of wonder and peace.

She stared at the stars that were scattered across the dark sky, deep in her thoughts, when Loki's rich voice pulled her out of her daydream, "I've never seen you around before."

At that, she turned to face him, "Well, yeah, I'm new." She mentally face-palmed for dropping her guard and giving that embarrassing response.

He didn't seem to mind that she had just messed up and continued, "And I've just realized that we haven't introduced ourselves yet. Well, I'm Loki, blood brother of Odin."

She registered the proud yet annoyed glint in his eyes and reminded herself to be more careful. After all, he was still the powerful half-Asgardian who was almost on the same rank as Odin in Asgardian hierarchy.

"My name is Xena. It's an honor."

He gave her a crooked grin as he leaned against the marble railings, "No, no, no, the honor is all mine. I must admit, you've caught my attention, and you did it fairly quickly too."

She returned the smile, but as soon as she remembered her task, it left her face, much to the confusion of Loki.

Xena stared at the marble floor, accepting the fact that they could never be together, and pulled herself together.

"Are you alright?"

She blinked and looked up at him, faking puzzlement as she lied, "I'm fine."

He nodded, and there was something almost like relief in his eyes as one of his black wings curled around her, a feather brushing against her collarbone. She noticed, and send him a flirtatious smirk, dropping him a wink, "Why? Were you worried?"

Loki rolled his eyes playfully at her, but paused before turning serious again, "What would you think if I said I was?"

She would be happy, would feel as if fate had finally thought about giving her the slightest bit of luck, but there was no way she could voice those thoughts, so she pushed them down all the way back into that little black pit within herself and smiled back at him, "You wouldn't say you were. After all, aren't you the all-powerful god of evil?"

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