Chapter Twelve: Ludus

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During a cool night, Lleon went into Anahera's bedroom through the balcony and sat on the bed. She sat in front of her vanity, taking off her pearl necklace. He only stared at her through the mirror with detest. The games they played were done when no one was around. He was willing to pursue his prey as long as there was something he wanted from it.

"Why are you in here?" She asked in a monotonous voice, continuing her nightly routine.

"You know why."

"What makes you think you have earned such a...carnal reward?" She stood up and approached him, "Your efforts in a war that you caused?"

"I think you owe me for my trauma." He snarled, taking her hips and groping her soft flesh through the fabric of her robe.

She let out an empty laugh and said, "I am already fulfilling my end of the agreement."

"By helping? You do that anyway. I want more."

"You always want more, Victoir. I should have known it was not enough. Nothing is ever enough for you." She hissed, shoving his hands off her. "So what then? What do you want?"

"I want to break you."

She was silent for a moment before backing away from him. He watched her wearily, wondering what she'd do next. Lleon watched with hungry eyes as she untied her robe and let it hit the floor. He took in every curve of her bare body before he made the move to touch her. However, Anahera summoned her spear and pointed it at him, stopping him.

"Pas touché. You have not earned it..." She scolded him. He licked his lips in agitation, frustrated by the tease. "You and your hand tonight, you brute."

Anahera then lowered her spear and went to put on her nightgown, watching him through the mirror once more. He watched her as well. He had not expected her to tease him the way she did, yet he could not say he did not enjoy the way she played this game. He stood up and took off through the balcony. He would give her the victory for now.

Lleon had become accustomed to wearing his armor around a long time ago. It did not help when he became hot and bothered over Anahera. He figured she must have gained some sort of satisfaction when she teased him.

"Your intentions to harm Anahera are quite transparent," Avery said, sitting next to Lleon. The Demon rolled his eyes, begrudgingly moving over so he wasn't touching him.


"You lay a hand on Her, I will kill you."

Lleon snorted, "I would like to see you try."

"Try, I will," Avery responded.

They both watched Anahera. She had an adoring look in her eyes when she interacted with the children of her kingdom. However when her gaze landed on him, that look quickly vanished. He wasn't offended by this. Everything he did and believed in disgusted her. She made that clear whenever they interacted. Yet, she still teased him with that one thing he craved. That one thing he refused to seek from anyone else. Lleon could not help but think that she secretly wanted him too.

          Later that day, he found himself alone with her again. He had developed a habit of entering her room through the balcony. No matter if she was undressing or doing her hair, she was always so unamused by his invasiveness. He had to admit that it was a smart move on her part. Even the slight hint of uncomfortableness from her would be a victory.

"What do you want?" She asked, scowling a bit.

He didn't respond, so she scoffed and went back to her nightly routine. He simply sat on her bed. It was soft and comfortable. He was used to sleeping on the ground, but it didn't mean he missed the warmth of a real bed.

"What will it take for you to turn against everything you have known?" He asked.

"Did I not tell you to stop asking such vague questions?" She asked back as she looked at him through the mirror. "Only if I feel so strongly about it."

"How do you feel about me?"

"No words could describe how much I want you gone."

Lleon snarled a bit at the response. He stood up and leaned over where she sat. She didn't move, her bored eyes trailing up to his. He reached over to feel her, but she grabbed his hand in a tight grip.

"What of Avery?" He asked, his jealousy becoming apparent.

"That is none of your business, Victoir." She responded. "Leave if you hope to receive intercourse. I could not care less if you hired a whore or pleased yourself in the woods."

Lleon stepped back as she stood up, casting him a knowing glance. She knew he wouldn't sleep with anyone else. Not when he was so focused on her. He huffed out angrily, frustrated by her indifference once more. He would just have to figure out a way to shatter her confidence. That was not an impossible task, but it did make him work for what he wanted. That was the part that bothered him the most.

The next day would be the same as all the others. They bantered before it became heated, though today they were working outdoors. The weather was nice. It always was unnaturally nice. Lleon watched her read to the kingdom's children. She said it was a way of calming them down in times like this. He, on the other hand, thought it was a waste of time.

As he tuned back in, he truly heard the words she read. She read La Bête to them. The story of the pirate and maiden. A beast and a woman.

"The maiden found herself in love with such a terrible beast-"

"Like you and the Demon king, Queen Anahera." One of the girls said with a giggle, which was followed by the 'oohing' of the other kids. Anahera became flustered by the accusation. Lleon couldn't help but smirk.

"Is that so, Queen Anahera?" Lleon asked teasingly.

"No, no," She shook her head, "He is only here to help us. I'm not in love with him."

"The children think otherwise."

"Does that make you a child?" She huffed out, closing the book.

"I think it's-" Lleon cut himself off. He jumped back in a panic. His panic seemed to scare the kids, resulting in them screaming and running away. Anahera tilted her head and went over to him to investigate. It was a white lizard that only appeared to be minding its own business.

"Rid of that wretched creature." He hissed. Anahera began to laugh. "What is wrong with you?"

"It's only a lizard."

"It's a thing of evil, actually."

"I didn't think someone so large would be afraid of something so small."

"Yes, yes, now hurry up and get rid of it! This isn't a game!" He began shouting.

Anahera picked it up and placed it elsewhere. For a moment, he could have sworn he saw an endearing look in her eyes. If he did, it was short-lived.

She approached him with a smug smile and said, "Now I know the one thing you fear."

Lleon watched her collect her things and walk away. He would be lying if he said he was not worried about it. A stray lizard did not render him incapacitated. Still, the little things gave him uncomfortable feelings despite him coming from various reptilian Demons. Did that mean she would purposefully expose him to them? Did she only say that to keep him on edge?

She really was a tease.

After that day, she seemed to be a bit more relaxed around him. He took this as a sign of him breaching the first layer of her hardened exterior. She still kept him in her line of sight most of the time, but at least she was more lenient about it. Small victories are still victories, he thought. Even if he did have to unwillingly reveal to her one of his biggest fears.

A Demon's History: Lotus ThornsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon