Chapter Twenty-Four: Lotus Thorns

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While in the Angel realm, Lleon saw many lotuses. She mentioned they were her family crest, so it made sense. He always remembered what she said to him when they were children. Lotuses had thorns. Perhaps that was why he found her coldness unsurprising. He had an appreciation for it. It may have excited him in different ways now, when before it made him angry.

When he returned home, he entered his office to grab a few things. As he turned around, he was met with a portrait of a young woman with sad blue eyes. Anahera's old portrait hanging above the door. He shook his head before he left to take a bath. He was accustomed to falling asleep during them, but he found himself plagued with the haunting memories of that night. Something he took satisfaction from only made him ill. So, he talked to Eliana for the majority of the time.

"Sir," she began cleaning his hair, "You seem troubled."

"I am."


"Because I have realized that...I yearn closeness with-with her." He stammered.

"Queen Anahera?"

"Precisely." He confirmed, nodding solemnly.

"Why don't you tell her, sir?"

"I'm afraid."

"You? Afraid?" She asked, tilting her head. "Why?"

"I'm afraid she doesn't want me. That she hates me. That she knows I am the cause of her misery. I know she does but-"

"Well, I think you should tell her."

That was in the past. Even now, a couple of months after the war, he longed for her. Oh, how the tables turn once more. The feeling was worsened after he tried to move on. He tried to sleep with others but he never made it beyond a few fleeting kisses with a cat Demon. When he caught wind of Avery's proposal to her, he hoped to smother the remaining feelings, but they only grew stronger. It almost hurt. Like his heart was eating itself away every time she even looked his way.
They hardly spoke of the war during the meeting. It was a bit jarring. As if it never happened. He wished it had not. During their break, he joined Anahera on the balcony. She looked radiant, and he was not ashamed to admit that anymore. She had an intimidating look on her face. Her cold eyes stared at the tree line with little emotion behind them.

"An," he spoke, "How are things?"

"Alright. I have had nightmares about...everything, but I have managed okay."

"Married to Avery? He must be the one taking care of you now?"

"No," She shook her head, keeping her eyes on the trees. "I have rejected his proposal again. I am still waiting to get my kingdom stable again."

"It would be easier with a husband."

"I can do it alone. Without Avery."

"I am not talking about Avery."

She turned to look at him, "What do you imply—"

She was cut off when he took her by the waist and kissed her. She made a muffled sound of surprise but quickly melted into his kiss, her eyes fluttering closed. When he finally broke it, he placed his hand on her cheek.

"I...I think I have come to accept that care for you more than I have ever cared for anyone or anything, Anahera." He admitted. "I don't want your riches or your kingdom. Not anymore. All I want is you now. I don't know if you still love me—if you ever loved me—but I...Will you marry me?"

She was a surprised by his confession and proposal. She assumed he would have moved on after everything. She smiled warmly and placed her hand over the one on her cheek, nuzzling into his touch. Anahera did not respond verbally, instead kissing him again. He purred a low, growl-like purr. The gentleness he exhibited made her heart flutter. He was the same boy she fell in love with all that time ago. He had just been locked away so he would not be hurt again.

A Demon's History: Lotus ThornsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora