Chapter Ten: To Loathe

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Lleon watched Anahera take count of her remaining soldiers. She healed and helped each one of them. He did not kill a lot of them, he did not think. Then again, he would typically forget during his periods of bloodlust. Lleon still had a good number of soldiers on his side. He did not have any means of healing them since most of his magic users fell. Eliana even gave him a half-decent job of wrapping up his wounds. It was good enough for him, but not for Anahera.

"What are you doing?" Lleon backed away from her as she knelt before him. She began fixing the bandages on his arm.

"I wouldn't have to do this if you were more careful."

He tensed up when she took his arm. The familiar touch brought the feeling of moths to his stomach. His body felt weak suddenly. Anahera must have noticed because she paused before trailing her gaze up to his. They stared at each other, a lack of detest in either of their eyes. This was the other side of his want, and he could not understand why it was becoming more emotional than physical. Every feature of her face he took in until she abruptly looked back down to finish wrapping the bandage.

"You should be more careful." She said to break some of the tension.

"Why would you care?" Lleon murmured. "My body is made—"

She scoffed and said, "You say that, yet you lack vision in your right eye. You may be strong, but you are not immune to damage."

"I expected that of you," Lleon shook his head. "You were always quick to figure things out."

"Then will you be more careful?" Anahera asked. She did not wait for an answer before moving on to heal his soldiers.

It was nearly sunrise by the time Anahera finished healing every soldier present. Lleon sat in the same spot on the floor, he had been watching her the whole time. He could tell she was tired, but she would not stop helping. She nearly collapsed as she made her way through the main room.

"If you keep going, you will kill yourself before I get the chance." He told her from across the room.

"At least it will be while doing good." She responded. Lleon rolled his eyes at this. He hated how noble she could be.

He watched her personal Power—Sébastien if he recalled correctly—approach her before they had a hushed conversation. Anahera looked distressed suddenly, looking around at everyone. Lleon guessed he was telling her to rest. Eventually, she gave in and let herself be escorted to her room. His eyes followed her until she disappeared, to which he would then sigh and lean back against the wall, shutting his eyes in hopes of getting some rest as well.

        Lleon woke up in the late afternoon the next day. The scent of food invaded his senses. Upon looking around, he saw that they were handing out meals to the soldiers.

"Good day, Your Majesty." Eliana greeted, sitting next to him with a plate in her hands.

He acknowledged her with a nod before getting up and going to find Anahera. Sébastien stopped him for a few questions, but would ultimately let him go ahead. Lleon grabbed the knob of the bedroom door tightly before pushing it open. She seemed startled by the intrusion.

"We must start planning," He shut the door behind him. "I do not have the patience for— "

"You must. I do not have the resources to fight right now, Victoir."

He scoffed at this, pacing around a bit. She was that type of strategist. Through his pacing, he instinctively pulled out a cigarette but would put it away when he noticed her glaring at him. She continued talking.

"I need men and women willing to fight, funding, weapons—"

"I can provide it." He decided eagerly. "I will provide anything. I just want this to be over with."

"It is not enough." She sighed. "I cannot trust you, Victoir. I will be asking Avery for help."

Splendid. Fucking Avery.

Her suitor. Lleon bit back a malicious remark, silently accepting her decision. This would not change his plans. However, one thought persisted. When did she regain control? Even with this realization, he left the room. She will lead, and he will play along...for now.

A week after Anahera sent out a letter, Avery arrived. Lleon did not have to be on his best behavior, the stars knew he had not been, but he decided to anyway. He followed Anahera out into the main room as she greeted the other Angel. He was already annoyed when he saw his face.

"Avery," Anahera smiled, "I'm happy you've decided to join my cause."

"I couldn't just leave you to fend for yourself."

Lleon cleared his throat before speaking, "She's not alone." Avery looked over at him, smile faltering.

"King Victoir. She wanted your help as well? I will admit, I am surprised with the way you two act in the mere presence of each other."

"She didn't. This little date I had planned—"

"Enough." Anahera snapped. "Concentrer. We must win this battle against Evermore."

Both men nodded, but they did not promise they would get along. Lleon could not promise he would get along. He hated having to work with them both. Still, he did not want Avery alone with her. He did not want to believe she was developing any sort of relationship with him. Not that it mattered. Yet, Lleon felt agitated when he took her hands and kissed them. He wanted to pummel him and rip each feather out of his fragile wings. He wanted to be the only man in her life. He recognized this as the same possessiveness he expressed in his youth. These were feelings of jealousy, though it never occurred to him that they could form so strongly through detest.

Anahera would notice his jealous ways, though she did not confront him about them. Not immediately, at least.

"Why is it you are jealous?" She asked, watching him train in the yard.

He threw a potato sack full of dirt in her direction. Despite it barely missing her, she watched it with an uninterested look before trailing her eyes back over to him. She generally showed no fear towards him ever since her reappearance. Oh, did this irk him.

"Leave me the fuck alone." He hissed at her.

"In return?" She asked, tilting her head.

"Let me say this in a way you understand," He marched over to her, "I do not want to fucking work with you."

"Likewise. I want you to leave and never come back, but I don't have a choice, asshole." She muttered.

He wished he did not feel some sort of way when she cursed. Lleon huffed out a frustrated sigh as she walked off elsewhere. He would just have to continue training to pass the time.

          Later, the two of them counted the resources available as Avery had his men set up their camps. It did not look too hopeful, and Lleon knew Anahera would have to give in to the fact that she needed his help. He watched her with an insolent smile. She refrained from showing any annoyance because of it.

"Victoir," She sighed. "I fear I may need your assistance."

"Oh, I don't know, An."

She shifted uncomfortably almost as soon as the words left his mouth, averting her gaze. It had been a very long time since he called her that, and truthfully, Lleon did not mean to say it. It was more of a slip of the tongue. Still, it was fun seeing her so flustered. Her discomfort was his entertainment, after all.

"Just...Here's a list of what I need." She huffed as she shoved a partially crumpled paper into his chest. She then changed the subject. "Will you lead the attacks?"

"Tout à fait. Not even a question."



"Do not make me regret this."

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