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As we ran past the vast jungle, I could only imagine what the others must've thought about us.

We made it to an opening field but Alex had leaves stuck to his claws, he vigorously shook his paws trying to get the leaves off but ended up clawing a nearby tree.

I saw him struggling to detach himself and I ran to help him but instead we collided and ended up tumbling downhill.

First, it was sharp rocks which pierced our backs, then it was flowers which were gentle and soft, but then it was a field of cacti and felt every pain of it. We finally stopped rolling but Alex had a cactus stuck to his back, I tried to help him but he fell backwards.

I jumped after him and we were floating down a river. I was holding onto his feet as we glided but we failed to see the waterfall ahead.

After we re-emerged from the water, we kept walking and we made it to the predator side of the island. I wanted to ask him something but I felt like it wasn't the right moment.

After a while, we started to set up a make-shift enclosure to keep us away from the others, we'd take turns sharpening the sticks to keep us from escaping.

After everything was finished, I decided to try and talk to him.

"Hey? Are you..."

"If you're gonna ask if I'm okay then no, I'm not okay"

"I know this feeling isn't a pleasant one, trust me. This isn't the first time this happened to me"

Alex turned around, curious to know more.

"I wasn't 'found' and then put at the zoo, I had attacked a human cause I was starving and I wasn't taught how to hunt for food properly. Next thing I knew, I was shot and woke up in the zoo with food in front of me"

"But, we'll get through this somehow, I promise"

Alex scoffed as I said that and finally spoke.

"Yeah right, I'm just a monster to everyone now. I bet even you think that"

I chose my next words carefully.

"You know what I see? I see a scared and confused guy who doesn't quite understand the situation"

"Huh, it actually makes me kinda happy to hear that"

"Maybe let's try to sleep on it, it may help get this feeling to go away"

"If you think it'll work then I guess why not"

We tried to get comfortable but I gave Alex a hug to remind him that he wasn't alone in this situation. We both were still shaken up from the situation but we were gonna get through this, somehow.

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