Choosing a side

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Cut back to Madison

After I had calmed myself down by punching some trees nearby, I went back to the others to see what the plan was.

I saw the giraffe in a grave, Alex and the hippo were there looking sad but the monochromatic was nowhere to be seen.

"What's going on here? I leave you alone and he's in a grave?" I said in a frustrated tone

Suddenly, the monochromatic came back looking happy.

"Hey, a latrine! Nice work Melman, outdoor plumbing!"

"No. It's not a latrine, its a grave! You sent Melman to his grave! Are you happy?" said Alex

"Don't you think you're being a bit melodramatic?" I asked him

But before he could answer, the monochromatic tried to make a point as to how this was a good thing for everyone.

"Aw come on. This isn't the end, this is a whole new beginning! This could be the best thing that could ever happen to us!" he said in an excited tone.

I wanted to punch him in the face so bad, but I always tried to remember Private's wisdom but that was interrupted by Alex.

"No no no no no no no no no. This is not the best thing that's ever happened to us!" he said before walking off somewhere.

I went after him and decided to try and calm him down since he looked frustrated.

", are you okay?" I asked

"No! I'm not okay, I'm angry at Marty! I never wanted to be here! And I don't need your criticism right now" he said

"Criticism? Criticism!? I'm trying to help you but you're too full of pride to listen to anyone but yourself!"

He just ignored me as he ripped a tree off its roots and carried it back to the beach, I just didn't even bother trying to reason with him.

I already knew what Skipper would've said in a situation like this. 'You gotta slap the absolute fish outta them until they listen' but there was no reasoning with him.

When I got back to the others I noticed he drew a line in the sand, I also noticed that I was in the middle of the line, and Alex told me to make a choice.

"Madison, as you can see, you can either join 'The Dumb side' or you can join us on 'The Smart Side' what will it be?"

    "You know what? After everything you've done towards me and my friends, I think I'm better off with your friend. If Skipper likes him then that's good enough for me! See you later, you psychotic lion!" I shouted at him angrily as I walked away.

As I walked away I could hear him shouting something at me, 'You're gonna regret saying that!' but I didn't care. Skipper was right, he was a lost cause, I ran towards the monochromatic friend and he was gathering some... leaves?

"Hi, so... what do we do now?" I asked

"We are gonna show him that we're better off without him, what do you say, you in?" he asked

"Heck yeah"

As we gathered leaves for a good portion of the night, we saw him trying to build something, possibly a beacon to get help. I wanted to root for him but I was fed up with him.

"If you don't mind me asking, what's it like being with the Penguins?"

"Oh, uh... they're fun, they've taught me almost everything I know now. Well, except on this whole situation" I answered

"Why do you hang out with them a lot? I understand if they've taught you everything but you should've been hanging out with us more"

"I guess they just reminded me of my pack, organized and ready to fight but kind to others. And I just bonded with them"

"What happened with your family?" he asked

I took a second to think, it'd been almost three years since I got separated from them, but then I finally answered.

"We were traveling to somewhere safer since our home had been destroyed, but then a storm suddenly came and as we ran for shelter, I got swept up by a sudden river coming downhill. The last thing I recall was waking up somewhere in Midtown and had wandered until I was found"

"Dang, sorry to hear that happened to you. Now I can understand why you're so... Oh crap!"



We turned around to see the beacon that Alex had built suddenly go up in flames, he looked defeated. He sat there looking sad while the other two came over to our side.

"Say, why don't you finish up the place, get some food? And I'll go talk to him" I suggested

"Fine by me"

"You know, despite the situation. You're not a bad animal, I can see why Skipper was fond of you. I look forward to talking when I get back... Marty"

"Hey, you finally remembered my name!"

"Yes I finally did"

I walked over towards Alex, somehow he already managed to build yet another distress signal, I tried to remind myself of Private's wisdom.

'Try to look at the world from someone else's perspective' and I tried to do that for Alex. I approached him and sat next to him.

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