67. innocence is proven

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     Aspen was fast asleep when Harry was sent off to the Ministry of Magic for his court hearing. Mrs. Weasley told them he had gotten up at half-past five in the morning. Aspen didn't even get up that early for school.

     All of Grimmauld Place sat around anxiously all morning. Even though the law was on Harry's side, there were still plenty of what if situations running through everyone's minds. Mrs. Weasley didn't even have them clean, which was both a blessing and a curse.

     Every hour they would say, "We know he'll be fine." or "There's no need to worry." but the biting of nails and bouncing of knees said otherwise.

     As the start of the school year was slowly approaching behind their unsuspecting backs, Aspen started her yearly revision of the curriculum prior. It was a way to remove her mind from the situation at hand and be beneficial when term started up again. But the effort was proving to be fruitless as Jasmine kept playing Muggle music from Sirius' old and rickety record player.

     Dancing Queen by the Swedish group ABBA kept playing in the background as Aspen attempted to read about Aqua Eructo.

     Jasmine was softly singing along, dragging her finger along the bedding of the mattress she lay on. Aspen marked the page her textbook was on and closed it shut, abandoning her futile studying and instead deciding to converse with her friend.

     "What if... the Ministry doesn't let Harry off because of everything they're saying in the Daily Prophet?"

     Jasmine looked up, a little shocked. "Well, I think they have to. And even if they somehow ruled him guilty, I feel like Dumbledore will interfere." She glanced upward thoughtfully. "And I mean... what would Harry even gain from producing the Patronus charm in front of a Muggle without reason? They would just think he's an idiot with a weird stick in his hand."

     "I don't think the Ministry would view that as a valid argument," said Aspen. "And with everything going on what if they purposely don't let Harry try and defend himself. All the people in the courtroom could just agree to never let him speak his truth and nobody would ever know."

     "Isn't that like... illegal?" asked Jasmine, reaching over to the bedside table and unwrapping a piece of chewing gum.

     "Obviously," Aspen grabbed a piece for herself. "But... the whole thing could be kept under wraps if no one spoke about it."

     "You're just grabbing at some impossible scenario right now." Jasmine rolled her eyes, blowing a bubble. "You'll feel better if you don't stress."

     "Okay, talk about something else then - I don't know how to not stress."

     "Erm..." There was a slight moment of silence before Jasmine landed on their next topic of conversation, "Theo hasn't sent a whole lot of letters lately."

     Aspen had completely disregarded how Jasmine must have felt all summer with everything going on. Her boyfriend's father was a Death Eater, and she was a Muggleborn. Like a modern day Romeo and Juliet - hopefully without as many deaths.

     Tensions in the Wizarding World were going to be at an all time high, possibly worse than during the first war. Aspen wasn't stupid, she knew even more conflicts could arise at Hogwarts. It was bound to happen. She expected more divide and prejudice to be expressed amongst the corridors and classrooms.

     But then Aspen had another thought, one that left her with an aftertaste of guilt. What if they could get information about Voldemort from Theodore? Aspen disposed of that idea immediately, mentally punching herself for wondering that. She should never use anyone like that, unless, of course, they didn't mind. But Aspen felt that Theodore was not that type of person.

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