44. selection of the champions

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     "I don't believe it!" said an older boy near Aspen in a stunned voice, as the Hogwarts students filed back up the steps behind the party from Durmstrang. "Krum! Victor Krum!"

     "For heaven's sake, he's only a Quidditch player," said a girl beside him, she was holding onto the crook of his elbow, perhaps they were a couple?

     "Only a Quidditch player?" the boyfriend gasped, he sounded quite offended, as though he couldn't believe his ears. "He's one of the best seekers in the world! I had no idea he was still at school!"

     As they recrossed the entrance hall with the rest of the Hogwarts students heading for the Great Hall, Aspen saw Lee Jordan jumping up and down on the soles of his feet to get a better look at the back of Krum's head. Several sixth-year girls were frantically searching their pockets as they walked -

     "Oh, I don't believe it, I haven't got a single quill on me-"

     "D'you think he'd sign my hat in lipstick?"

     Aspen laughed softly as she passed the group of girls now squabbling over the lipstick.

     "Do you have a quill, Aspen?" asked Michael Corner, he was walking with his friends.

     "Nope, sorry, they're in my bag," she answered awkwardly.

     They walked over to the Ravenclaw table and sat down. Aspen turned her head and saw that the Durmstrang students were still hanging around by the doorway, unsure about where they should sit. The students from Beauxbatons had chosen seats at the Ravenclaw table. They were looking around the Great Hall with glum expressions on their faces, agitating Aspen slightly. Three of them were still clutching scarves and shawls around their heads.

     "I don't think it's that cold," came Luna Lovegood's voice as she sat down adjacent to Aspen. The older girl agreed with her, she suspected the French were just being dramatic. Some of the Beauxbatons students heard Luna and took seats farther down the table.

     Some of the boys a few seats down were arguing over who should move over so Krum could sit with them.

     Too late, thought Aspen as she watched Victor Krum and his fellow Durmstrang students settle themselves at Slytherin table. She could see Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle looking very smug about this. As she watched, Malfoy bent forward to speak to Krum. Ron was probably furious.

     The same boys who were fighting over moving over were now talking about giving up their beds for the famous Quidditch player.

    Aspen noticed the Durmstrang students looked exceptionally happier than the Beauxbatons. The formers were pulling off their heavy furs and looking up at the starry black ceiling with expressions of interest; a couple of them were picking up the golden plates and goblets and examining them, apparently impressed.

     Up at the staff table, Filch, the caretaker, was adding chairs. He was wearing his mouldy old tailcoat in honour of the occasion. Aspen was surprised to see that he added four chairs, two on either side of Dumbledore's.

     When all the students had entered the Hall and settled down at their House tables, the staff entered, filing up to the top table and taking their seats. Last in line were Professor Dumbledore, Professor Karkaroff, and Madame Maxime. When their headmistress appeared, the pupils from Beauxbatons leapt to their feet. A few of the Hogwarts students laughed. The Beauxbatons party looked quite embarrassed, however, and did not resume their seats until Madame Maxime had sat down on Dumbledore's left-hand side. Dumbledore remained standing, and a silence fell over the Great Hall.

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