Gym battle fragrance Fiasco

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I was forced awake by someone tugging at me. I woke up to see Kirlia up and at it, excited to try out her new skills and her crutch. I could hear the music through her earbuds, and she was tiptoeing to the beat of her music.

Isaac: Yawn... You're eager to try out your new strength, huh? Well, I guess it wouldn't be too much of an issue. Just let me wake up, and then we can go fight someone.

Jewel walked in.

Jewel: Mornin.

Isaac: G'mornin. Hey, wanna battle after breakfast?

Jewel: I can't. Busy.

Isaac: It's only a 1v1.

Jewel: That's lame. If it's that quick, what's the point in battling?

Isaac: Um, because it's fun? The hell are you even occupied with?

Jewel: None of your business.

Isaac: I dare to disagree. Last time something wasn't my business, you almost died at Sage Tower.

Jewel: Fine, if you must know, I'm attempting to organize all the sh*t we have to do. The gyms, the cult bases, and the locations of the scrolls. I'm putting landmarks on the town map; that way, I don't need to rely on this dumb piece of paper.

Isaac: Ooh, can I help? It sounds fun, and we could get it done quicker.

Jewel: No, it'll get crowded, and then you'll mess up. I'm doing this alone. Look, if you both are eager to battle, challenge the Sonata gym.

Isaac: Oh yeah... I guess we did come all this way for the gym leader.

I walked outside and made my way to the gym. It was strange. Normally, I was eager to go to the gym to fight. Whether it was a friendly battle of wits against Orion, a heated, dangerous fight against Xavier, or even a literal life-or-death poke-roulette with East, And even now, knowing Harmony was probably going to be my most civil fight, I was suddenly nervous about something screwing up. Not necessarily losing, but... would something happen to my Pokemon? Would Kirlia's hard training be for nothing? Would something else go wrong?

I was distracted from my initial thoughts as I entered the building because, like Xavier's gym, I ended up getting blown away by the scent and potency of the air. But instead of smoke or vaping, it was a flower fragrance and an air freshener.

Isaac: Aw, jeez.

Harmony: Something wrong? You don't like the smell of the flowers.

Isaac: Oh, no, the smell itself is fine. Even so, it's just overwhelming. Maybe try some lavender scents or even lemon scents. Hell, just install a window for some fresh air.

She giggles.

Harmony: Sorry. It's a hobby I have, plus they help me in battle in return.

Isaac: Can they help you out? Oh, let's guess. Is this a field?

Harmony: Indeed, it is. A flower garden field, to be precise.

I immediately grabbed my book to look into it. I haven't gotten a chance to do so for most of the fields I've come across lately. nor looking at deltas in my Pokedex.

Harmony: Oh, I wouldn't bother trying to gather all the information from a book if I were you.

Isaac: What? why?

Before she could speak, I had found the page.

Isaac: Jesus Christ, why is this field 5 pages long?

Harmony: It's one of those fields that's better to learn once you're in action. Now then. Shall we duke it out?

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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