Stressed out

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We headed to the Pokemon Center where I assume Jewel was hanging out.

Isaac: Okay, wait here, I gotta do a bit. Don't worry, It's worth it.

I open the door.

Isaac: Hey Man! You won't believe it. I found your long-lost sister!

He was unamused.

Jewel: I don't have a sister... at least not anymore I don't think.

I pout a little.

Isaac: Really? You're not even gonna ask who it is?

Jewel: Isaac, do you really think I'm in any position to be excited about lost family assuming there's anyone left? especially after seeing my dad, firsthand?

Isaac: Yes... you were excited over Auralia...

Jewel: You get my point, right?

Isaac: Yeah, Fair... *sigh* Point is that I made a new friend.

Akira Stepped into the room

Jewel: Oh, no... No no no no no no... God damnit why is she still around?

Akira: Out of all the people... HE'S your FRIEND?

Isaac: Uh... Technically? We aren't exactly friendly most of the time... Wait you two know each other?

Akira: Know each other? Pfft. And I thought I had gotten rid of this Kid.

Jewel: Don't Call me a kid, you fucking Farigiraf!

I facepalmed...

Isaac: Okay okay. Let's not fight. We kinda have some big issues to talk about.

Jewel: I don't care.

Isaac: It's not about her, it's about me.

Jewel: I care even less.

Akira: How long have you known your friend to have magic?

He perked up and raised an eyebrow.

Jewel: Isaac did what now?

Isaac: I don't know myself... It all happened so fast. I personally wouldn't call it magic compared to what you do but... I suppose unnatural is more fitting.

Jewel: Show me. I need to see this.

Isaac: Yeah about that... I kinda don't know how I did it.

Jewel: Godammit. Useless as always... Could you at least describe what happened?

Isaac: Well... Akira was beating me up... actually, she was planning on straight up killing me but I guess I had some natural fight or flight response... I thought I heard a bunch of kids calling out to me in a way I couldn't understand but then they all just screamed FIGHT at me and suddenly I felt like static was flowing through my body and suddenly I was fighting and running like no man has seen.

Akira: You could see sparks from his shoes. some would define him as a speedster acrobatic athlete.

Jewel: ...Yeeeeeeeaaaaahhhhh... I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. For one static? that's a first. Unless that's how you think flowing plasma is supposed to feel. Also, that skitzo shit never happens... like at all.

Isaac: Then... Maybe It's not magic

Jewel: If it's not magic then what the hell is it?

Isaac: Uh... I don't know. An unnatural adrenaline outburst?

Jewel: I'm not calling it that...

Isaac: what would you call it?

Jewel: Weird magic.

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