special chapter : Side Couples | part 2 |

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| This chapter is about Xuexiao

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| This chapter is about Xuexiao. And it's not so long like the previous one. And there's no such special events like HaiCheng's story. It just how the two friends get into relation. Hope you all will enjoy |


Xue Yang and Xiao Xing Chen were friends from the high school. Xue Yang was Yibo's childhood best friend. His father was once worked under Yibo's father. So basically Yibo took over his dad's position while Xue Yang took his dad's. Xue Yang and Yibo also went to the same high school where they met Xing Chen.

Xue Yang had a crush on Xing Chen from the moment he saw him. He tried to befriend with Xing Chen but got rejected because he was a playboy since from the high school which Xing Chen hated the most so he got rejected. Xue Yang used Yibo to befriend with Xing Chen. From that time they have been arguing and fighting. And Yibo is always the one to stop them. But as time passed they both become friends but still their bickering never stop. They had a love-hate relation.

After they graduated, Xing Chen thought that he don't have to tolerate Xue Yang anymore but he was wrong as he become the secretary of Yibo while Xue Yang was the manager so they've to spend more time together. Honestly Xing Chen don't hate Xue Yang, he just don't like the fact Xue Yang being a playboy. Whenever he flirt with someone it just damnly irritated Xing Chen. But when Xue Yang flirts with him, he pretended to get annoyed.

Everything was going well. They were just being friends who cares for each other but also bickers all the time. Until.......the night of Zhan's birthday party. Xue Yang got to see a side of Xing Chen which he never saw. A childish side of him.

After Xing Chen got serverly drunk, Yibo requested Xue Yang to drop him at his house. Even though Xue Yang wasn't willing to do it but still in the end he did. Him and Xing Chen was in the car. He was driving while Xing Chen was beside him. Xue Yang couldn't concentrate on driving because Xing Chen was keep doing childish things. Like waving his hand from the window, trying to get out from the car, hitting Xue Yang and many more. "YIBO! Am going to kill you." Xue Yang yelled in frustration.

Finally they arrived at Xing Chen's apartment. Entering the house, Xue Yang dropped Xing Chen on the couch. "Xing Chen, hey Xing Chen. Go and take a shower. You stings." Xue Yang said. Xing Chen got up but he start running here and there rather going to his bedroom. He start jumping on the couch. Xue Yang was so shocked to see him like this. "Today i know why he always denied to get drunk!" Xue Yang mumble.

"Come on Xing Chen.....get down and take a shower." He shouts. Xing Chen jumped on him and wrapped himself on Xue Yang. Xue Yang immediately hold him but he was kinda stunned. Then he sighed and carried Xing Chen to the bathroom. "Now go and take a shower. I'll bring some clothes for you." Saying it Xue Yang left the bathroom. He went to the closet to take out some clothes. When he went back to the bathroom to check on Xing Chen but found him standing in the shower while totally in clothes with his phone in his hand. "Damn shit!!" Xue Yang ran to turn off the shower.

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