A New Life

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(this part is a flashback for context on how they joined the Paw Patrol in this new timeline. And to show their brotherly relationship)

Years ago, Jack and Chase, who weren't blood related but Jack was adopted by Chase's parents, making them brothers, were only kids. Jack was 8 and Chase was 6. They lived in Adventure City at the time and were the best of friends.

Adventure City

Jack, wearing a blue and yellow jacket, green sweatpants, and grey shoes, was running and giggling as Chase, who is wearing a police shirt, blue sheriff pants, and black boots, was chasing him as he was also giggling.

"You'll never catch me, Chase. I'm always faster" Jack says with joy and happiness.

Chase replies with lots of joy, "I bet I will!". They run down the sidewalk, giggling as they are having lots of fun. Chase ends up tripping and Jack stops when he hears his brother crying, running back to him.

"You ok?" Jack asks in a worried tone, his facial expression changing from cheery and giggly to worries and concerned. Jack was worried his little brother might be hurt, till Chase stops crying and boops his nose. Chase faked being hurt to trick his faster brother into stopping.

"You tricked me! Clever" Jack remarks. He offers Chase his hand and Chase accepts, grabbing it and getting up with Jack's help. They keep going, making it to the bakery their parents wanted them to go to, as they were very ill so couldn't go themselves. When they enter, Jack walks up to the counter with Chase looking around. Jack says the food they need and they start making it, meanwhile Jack walks over to his brother.

"You think we have the money for a snack?" Chase asks.

Jack replies, "probably not. We only have the money for the food". Chase's expression changes from happy to sad.

"Oh.." Chase replies, sadly.

Jack hugs him and says in an optimistic tone, "maybe we will have enough left over". Chase smiles and he sees the food is ready, walking over and taking it. Jack then walks over and pays for it and they have just enough for one snack. They both seem exited as they agree on a cookie. Once they get it and walk out, Jack breaks the cookie in half and gives one half to Chase. They eat it on the way home, now filled with joy. On the way home, they are eating some fries a nice man gave them when Chase is attacked by birds. Jack starts shooing them off, even throwing his fries to distract them. He then grabs chase and runs away, hiding in an alley.

"Thank you, Jack" Chase says in a thankful tone.

Jack replies, "no problem, bro. I'll always protect you, no matter what" before fist bumping with him. They then run home. They return home and put the food on the counter. They then walked to their parents room and knocked. No reply. So they knock again. No reply. They start to worry.

"Mom? Dad?" Jack says in a worried tone.

"It's us. We're home." Chase adds, also with a worried tone. Jack reaches for the door knob, having to get on his tippy toes to reach it. He manages to open the door and their parents are lying in bed, not moving.

"Mom?" Chase says in a worried tone as him and his brother slowly walk in.

"Dad?" Jack adds with the same tone as his brother. Jack gently nudges their mom and she doesn't get up. He nudges more and more but nothing. He starts to really worry so gets on the bed, noticing they aren't breathing.

"M-mom... D-dad?" Jack says with tears in his eyes.

"Come on.. w-wake up!" He says in a scared, sad, and worried tone. Nothing works as Jack starts to lightly cry. Hearing Jack cry makes Chase tear up.

"What's wrong?" Chase asks in a sad tone, tears rolling down his face.

"Th-They aren't waking up" Jack says while crying. Chase, hearing this, starts to cry. Jack gets off the bed to hug his brother for comfort. Many minutes have passed till they stopped crying.

"S-so.. sniffs what do we do now? We are too young to take care of ourselves." Chase says with a sad tone. When Jack was about to reply, the TV that was on in their parents room plays an advertisement that a team called the Paw Patrol are looking for new pups. Hearing this and the location, Jack gets an idea.

"Let's go to Adventure Bay. Join this Paw Patrol." Jack says with slight joy. Chase slightly smiles, liking that idea.

"Ok. I'll get the money, you go get the food we got." Jack says with a bit of joy. Chase nods and goes downstairs while Jack gets on the bed and takes the cash from both their parents' wallets. He heads downstairs with their school bags which they put what they want to take with them, Jack's things being an action figure and picture book of him with Chase and his family, and Chase's things being a toy police badge and officer bear. They then split the food and put it in their bags before walking out, saying their last goodbyes to their home and heading to the train station.

Adventure City train station

They were walking for hours but finally arrived at the train station. They see the train about to leave so hurries, Jack helping Chase into a box car before Chase helps him in. Just in time, the train started to move as Jack was getting in.

"That was close." Jack whispers. They sit down and prepare for a long ride.

Adventure Bay train station

It's been a very long ride. Chase is asleep with his head leaning on Jack's shoulder as Jack was looking at the photo book and having tears in his eyes. He feels the train coming to a stop and so he wakes Chase.

"Hey, we're here." Jack says in a soft and soothing tone to not startle his brother.

"We are?" Chase asks with a tired tone. Jack nods and goes to look out the side door. Chase brings Jack his things and he grabs it.

"Ready for our new life?" Jack asks.

"I guess." Chase answers in a slightly worried tone. Jack notices and turns to him.

"Hey. Everything will be ok. As long as we stick together we will be aye okay. Right?" Jack says in a motivating tone to his brother.

Chase smiles and says, "Right". They grab their things and sneak out of the box car, rubbing before anyone could see them.

Adventure Bay

Jack and Chase were walking around, wondering where to go for this team. They ask around and everyone says "The Lookout" but the two don't know what or where that is. At some point while walking, they see a billboard of a tower on a cliff side, across from the bridge.

"That must be the Lookout." Jack says. They walk till they can see the bridge, then start to run toward it. Crossing over the bridge and stopping to catch their breath, they look up at how big the Lookout is in person.

"Wow. It's a lot bigger in person." Chase says in a surprised tone.

"Yeah." Jack replies in the same tone. They keep walking and see a man, walking over. The man looks and sees the two.

"Why hello there little pups, welcome to the Lookout." The man says in a calm and welcoming voice. The two look at each other then back at the man.

"Who are you?" Chase says with a more calmed voice.

"My name is Ryder. And who might you be?" Ryder says in a calming tone.

"I-I'm Chase. And this is my older brother, Jack." Chase replies in a now normal voice, feeling safe.

"Brothers?" Ryder asks, seeing Jack is a wolf and not a German Shepherd.

"Yeah. His parents adopted me." Jack replies, also calmed. Ryder then smiles.

"Well nice to meet you two. Are you here to join the team?" Ryder asks with curiosity.

"Yeah. We came all the way from Adventure City to join." Jack replies. Ryder looks at the two and sees the state of their clothes from the train ride.

"Well luckily, one of our pups left so there are now two spots available. If you'd like to accept." Ryder says with an accepting voice.

"Of course!" Jack and Chase both replied, sounding excited. Ryder shakes their hands/paws, welcoming them aboard.

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⏰ Son güncelleme: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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