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he dreamed he was in a maze, walls too high to peek over and no sounds or clues to help him with which way to go. jungkook aimlessly walked down the path, picking a way at random but still seeing no end to the confusing labyrinth that had him trapped in his own mind. each turn led to same view of endlessly tall walls and no hint at an end being near. he felt his footsteps quickening, as fast as the panic that was rising in his chest. each breath was harder to take than the last, his anxiety gripping his lungs and making each breath feel like the next would be impossible. jungkook didnt know where to go, there was no end to this nightmare he was trapped in – until he came walking through one of the walls. he stood there with a gentle smile, as if there was no reason to be frightened right now. he stood there with his pretty brown eyes that sparkled with the reflection of the sun, washing him in a yellow light, like he was some golden angel sent to save jungkook from himself.

follow me.

jungkook felt his legs move first, and then it was the feeling in his chest that filled with warmth and overcame the anxiety and panic. he was safe. he felt okay and knew he'd follow the handsome brunette anywhere, because he would be okay.

he wish he could hold onto that dream a little longer. he wished he could follow the boy anywhere and not come back to reality. except, life wasnt that easy – and jungkooks eyes fluttered open that early morning and the dream was blurry already. he sat up in the bed and rubbed at his eyes. he knew he dreamt about something, but the thoughts were fuzzy and he fought to hold onto the memories with no luck.

it was mildly disappointing, to have a dream feel so real and suddenly disappear the moment he woke up. jungkook frowned a little as he looked around his room, everything the same as he left it the night before. for a moment it felt like deja vu, the white walls and medicine cart sitting there waiting for him. the curtains pushed aside to let in some light and the television playing some morning news about todays weather. jungkook was about to fall back in bed, head against the pillow in an attempt to go back to the dream he had previously.

except there was a glimpse in the corner of his eye, a color not familiar to the blandness of the room around him. they sat there in a soft arrangement of blue, all collected around a center of yellow.

jungkook reached over for the small card sitting against the small cup of water that the flowers were sitting in, seeing the short note written in neat handwriting.

wanna see the stars tonight?

- T

jungkook felt a swirl in his stomach when reading the words, a smile making its way to his face. no one has gotten him flowers before, let alone inviting him out to see the stars. he remembered taehyung said they would go see them, but he didnt really take him seriously then. he wondered how serious this would be and if anything prior had to be taken more seriously. maybe he was misunderstanding something. maybe their joking and playful banter actually meant more. jungkook shook his head at his own thoughts. it was too early to think about complicated things.

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