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boredom is an invitation for the mind to play games, to get lost in powerful fantasies of worlds that didnt exist and a reality that would never accept them. it was times like this that had his thoughts flowing without directions, they had the power to go down whatever paths they wanted – new paths to be discovered rather than the same old paths filled with daily worries that usually ran in his mind over and over again. it was a painful disconnect, someone or something that would interrupt the fantasies and pull the boy back to his sad reality.

his interruption was the wheels of the nurse cart coming in and a painted red smile adding some color to the room. "good morning mr jeon." ms aecha was smiling and scrolling through her tablet, just to grab the clipboard hanging on the end of his bed. queen of multitasking.

"morning." he greeted her.

"how are you doing today? get some good sleep?" she asked, but her eyes never left the paper.

"uh huh slept great." it was a lie. the bags under his eyes could have revealed this for him. there wasnt a chance of sleeping last night, not with the subtle headache that wouldnt leave after many hours. it was too bad to deal with, but when time to sleep came around it suddenly felt worse. jungkook knew he should have said something about it, it was one of the rules. any symptom or pain that lasted longer than 12 hours he should have said something. jungkook didnt feel like his nurse asking a bunch of questions and probably leading to more tests and crap later. he just wanted to be left alone today.

left alone. hes been alone for four days now. four days since his lung xrays, four days since he wish he could eat a hot dog, and four days since he last saw taehyung and told him that he had cancer.

jungkook tried not to think too much about it. the boy was literally here to see his mom, not spend time with jungkook and keep him from being bored. he tried to keep telling himself he didnt scare him away, but each day made that a little harder to come across convincingly.

"so, i noticed you've been hanging out with taehyung." normally her attempts at small talk were more boring than this. except now jungkook was turning from the window and plopping down on the side of the bed. "yeah, so?" he tried to seem uninterested, picking at a thread on the blanket and keeping his face neutral. he couldnt hide the warmth in his cheeks though, or the beating of his heart so fast it had his stomach twisting in on itself.

"have you told him?" she asked. there was a professional and personal battle going on with te nurse. she wanted the boy to make friends and enjoy what he could, but considering it had to be the son of her other patients dealing with the same sickness was unfortunate. taehyung didnt need to worry about two people suffering from the same cancer, all his focus should be on his mother.

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