There was no need for you to shed even a single word to a man, that could already be considered dead.

"They also mentioned that you were quite the quiet one." General Mundi added, "Then I guess there are no last words you will utter today."

The Jedi then directed his blade towards you, indicating his readiness for the battle.

"It was foolish coming here alone." the Jedi concluded, while approaching.

But you only slightly tilted your head in response and ignited your crimson blade. Suddenly your droids began to jump out of their cover and attack the surprised clone troopers. In a manner of seconds General Mundi and his troops were surrounded by your droids. Frustrated the Jedi Master jumped at you in a futile attempt to turn the tide.

General Mundi's blue lightsaber clashed with your red shoto sabre in a shower of sparks. The duel that followed was intense and fast-paced. The Jedi's strikes were precise and well-executed, but you met each one of them with your own unmatched agility and precision.

As your sabres danced through the air, you effortlessly parried Mundi's attacks, always one step ahead of him. The mocking tone in his voice only fuelled your determination, and you used his arrogance against him. You spun, twirled, and leaped with remarkable grace, your red blade leaving crimson streaks in the air.

General Mundi, despite his Jedi training, struggled to keep up. He defended himself admirably, but he was on the defensive. Your red shoto sabre was a deadly extension of your will, moving with speed and precision, striking with the intention to end the duel swiftly.

The battle raged on, with the sound of clashing lightsabres and blaster fire filling the air. Your droids closed in on the Republic clone troopers, overwhelming them with sheer numbers. The situation was dire for General Mundi and his men.

Despite his predicament, Mundi's determination shone through. He managed to break away from your relentless assault for a brief moment, using the Force to push back the surrounding droids. With a swift movement, he leaped high into the air, over your head, and landed some distance away, giving himself a brief respite.

The Jedi's chest heaved with exertion as he stared at you, his lightsaber raised defensively. "Impressive," he conceded, a note of respect in his voice. "But you won't break me so easily."

You said nothing in response, your mask hiding any hint of emotion. Instead, you advanced, your red shoto sabre held confidently. Mundi braced himself, ready to face your relentless assault once more.

The battle continued, with you pressing your advantage. General Mundi fought valiantly, but it was clear that you had the upper hand. The mocking tone that had been present at the beginning of the duel was now replaced with the grit and determination of a Jedi Master facing overwhelming odds.

Mundi's strikes became more desperate as he tried to find an opening, but you remained an elusive and formidable opponent. Your crimson blade whirled and darted, forcing the Jedi on the defensive once more.

The clones noticed the misery their General was in and tried to help him out. A squad of four troopers charged at you with every ounce of courage they could muster. Effortlessly you dodged the bolts but before you eliminated them, a menacing smile formed under your mask, and you made sure the feeling inside you was strong enough to be felt by Master Mundi even though he couldn't see it.

The Jedi's face revealed a blend of sympathy and unease when he came to understand the destiny of the clones'. In a fluid motion you jumped over their heads and landed right behind the troopers. Swiflty they turned around to shield their General but in vain.

The first clone you lifted into the air while chocking him to death, while deflecting the incoming bolts of the other three at the same time. An almost unbearable crack noise signalled that you snapped his neck with nothing more but a flick of your hand. The same instant fear struck his brothers, but they didn't stop regardless and after blocking another barrage of blaster bolts, you tossed your blade at them, decapitating the second. With now both hands free, you grabbed their blasters through the force and threw them away. Bravely they continued their charge with nothing but their bare hands but before they could even reach you, you levitated them up from the rust-coloured ground.

Through the force you felt their emotions running wild within them. Their black visors concealed any type of reaction, but their movements for it spoke volumes. Fear, hate, despair, guilt, agony, horror, panic, it all flooded their minds as they looked at you. But unfortunately, you didn't have the time to enjoy the moment, skilfully you concentrated your emotions into your hand and reduced the third clone to nothing but mere ashes with your force lighting technique, all while the other had to witness the cruel death of his brother.

The last you pulled directly at you and the moment he was the closest, you stroke his chest with your knee, leaving the trooper barely able to breathe and sinking down to his knees. Next you smashed out a part of his visor with your fist, revealing the clone's eyes. Though barely conscious the clone still managed to control himself. His eyes held a mixture of horror and hatred but only met a gaze filled with pity and aversion. In a futile attempt the clone rose his fist, trying to hit your chin, but you caught the trooper's hand and slowly broke his wrist. The scream of unbearable pain echoed through your ears as you quickly placed your hand on his throat. Every noise of his immediately quiet down while you lifted the clone up and smashed his entire body to the dusty ground.

General Mundi looked at you in disbelief, not able to grasp the merciless brutality that was displaying in front of him. The clone was struggling for air to breathe, clinging onto the last spark of life left within him. You stretched out your hand pulling your lightsabre back into your hand and with a single strike, finally ending the misery of the clone.

Shamelessly you stepped over the dead bodies of those the Jedi before you once called comrades, mocking, and degrading him, while also signalling him to be ready for what was coming for him.  

~Writer's note:

Just to mention it, we've officially cracked the 30k in reads with the last chapter and I just wanted to thank all of you for the interest you show in this story. And I kinda just realised how brutal this story can be at times, so I was wondering if it isn't a little to extrem but on the other hand, those who read such stories might not bother. Anyway thank you and feel free to comment as you'd like ;) see ya'll next chapter.

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