"Okay, if my mother in law hears that both of us would be homeless by tomorrow.Just kidding! Why would I be homeless when I have such a smart, pretty and awesome daughter in law with me. Now, now, Good night Mridu! Sleep early",saying she patted her head and left from there to check her mother in law's blood pressure.

Mridula, went to her room changing from her saree into her night wear. She did her night skin care routine and laid down on bed. Thinking about everything from being a masters student, and now an associate professor in a reputed college. It all feels like a dream but nothing very special, it feels like she is struck in this loop of going to college, coming back home, hearing taunts from grandmother, having no conversation with her husband, not seeing him for days, eating,sleeping and last but not the least spending time with her sister cum best friend Aaru.

Her eyes soon closed pulling her into a deep sleep. She didn't realise when Sharan came and laid down beside her. Mridula wasn't a person who sleeps in one position and wakes up in completely different. She is that person who sleeps and wakes up in the same position, but we can't say the same about Sharan.

She woke up the next morning, to see him lying on his stomach with his specs still on and his laptop in between them and his legs almost close to touch her if either of them moved a bit. Carefully, she got off from the bed. Though her hands itched to remove those specs and cover him with his duvet properly, the things which he did the previous night played in her mind and she went to the balcony to do her morning yoga.

After an hour of yoga, she went into the kitchen and made chai for herself and for her mother in law, who would be up anytime soon. As she was about to leave the kitchen with a cup of chai in her hand, Aruna came into the kitchen.

"Good morning,Mridu",she wished her.

"Good morning, athaya",she said with a small smile on her face and excused herself from there. She got back to the balcony, it was almost time for sun rise and the sounds of birds and cool breeze touching her skin. As she took a sip of her chai, her whole body came alive. She would choose chai over anything and everything. Happy?Sad?Mixed feelings? Anything, chai is her solution.

While enjoying her scenic beauty, she completed having her chai. She kept the cup on the dressing table and opened her side of the wardrobe, she picked a coffee brown shade khadi saree. Mridula loves Khadi sarees and more than half of her wardrobe is filled with them.

She picked her necessary clothings and noticed that Sharan just woke up, just to spoil his mood in the morning she rushed into the washroom. Sharan turns around hearing the thud sound.

"Not again, mammaa what did I do to deserve this? A rough day and then madam's date night and somehow I managed to come home to have a peacful sleep before the investigation starts and there she does it, just like everyday. Doesn't she get tired of doing such childish acts? I swear, I don't understand this woman",he muttered under his breathe and moved to the balcony to see yoga mat still spread there and he turned around to see an empty chai cup on the dressing table, and the wardrobe door wasn't closed.

"How did I even get married to this woman out of all the 3.95 billion women on this planet?",he hit his head and folded the yoga mat, closed the wardrobe door and as he was going to remove the chai cup, he remembered the last night's incident and just left it there.

He stood in the balcony inhaling the fresh air, the case which he is dealing with right now is something related to the politicians and somewhere there was a fear in him that any step he would take, he has to think twice before doing anything. Since they are in power they can do anything but that doesn't mean he will let the injustice happen and by hook or crook he will balance his work life and family life.

His friend, Krishna and Aaradhana are his comfort space. Aaradhana is like his younger sister. He also has a sibling, Teja who is almost not seen in home any of the days except for special occasions. He is an over excited atom who loves to bond with everyone around him. He would come home in a few days since it was Navratri and if he misses Navratri his mother would disown him.

As he was thinking about things, Mridula came out of the washroom completing her morning chores. She looked beautiful no doubt, when she felt someone's gaze on her she looked at him but in this span of time he rushed into the washroom making her chuckle.

She saw her chai cup still there but her yoga mat which was already folded and kept in its place neatly than she would ever put.

She quickly got ready and packed her bag. Her nuptial chain and sindoor were still in the wardrobe. She never wore them after her wedding day, surprisingly, he never asked her about it and she didn't wear it because she felt when he cared less about it she should do the same too. After checking herself one last time in the mirror she went to the living room and placed her bag on the couch.

"Athaya,I'll make the rest of the dosas. You see the other things",she said entering the kitchen and taking over her morning duties.

She made the rest of the dosas quickly, one look at the watch and she was on time again. As soon as she was done with the dosas, she packed her tiffin box while Aruna packed Sharan's tiffin box. Sharan's father Ishwar is a retired police officer.

"Ishwar, athaya, Sharan, come soon breakfast is ready",Aruna yelled while Mridula already settled down in her seat along with her father in law. Sharan was yet to come, and his grandmother came after next ten minutes and saw Mridula eating without Sharan being there and she wasn't wearing her nuptial chain or sindoor. She was angry first thing in the morning.

"How much more shameless can you get, Mridula? Forget about waiting for your husband before eating but what about nuptial chain and sindoor? Do you even know the value they hold? Do you know who doesn't wear them? The women whose husband is dead, it signifies your husband's long life. Haye ram, what do I tell to this generation children",she said shaking her head in disappointment. 

All of this was heard by Sharan from behind the door, he didn't understand if he should take stand for her or she would deal with like she dealt with the creep last night. He got ready and came out after he heard nobody was talking on the dining table. 

By the time, he came Mridula was already leaving from the main door and his grandmother was fuming in anger. 

"Did I miss something?",he thought to himself..

To be continued...

Hello dear readers,

How are you doing? How's your Sunday going?

Uff mine is filled with cleaning and all since it was eclipse last night. But anyways as promised I am here with an update!

Mostly we'll meet every Sunday at 11am only unless and until I have some other plans which I will let you know if any.

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Until next time, Adios

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Sakshi Devi 🍁

Your Author Sakshi Devi 🍁

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