Hasan was just silent, guilt was eating him from inside and fatima's scared face was roaming in his mind.

"How was the session?"

"I can't even move a finger." He said quietly.

"Hasan look at me, I know you are going through so much. I even know it's getting on your nerves but did you ever thought of her. What she is going through? She is also not completely fine still she is trying her best to do everything. Do you even know how scared she was when you were in coma. She never left your side for once. She is already doing so much Hasan. I know you don't remember anything but think it as arrange marriage and try to atleast behave normal with her. If she is hiding what she feels doesn't mean she isn't feeling. Think this Hasan, you loved her to the core. You could gladly die for her and she would too. Don't make her suffer more." He said calmly sitting on his toes infront of him.

Hasan was just nodding with guilt visible in his eyes.

"Do you want to talk to her?"

Hasan nodded again. Hamid smiled a little and took him inside. He took him near the door and went from there patting his shoulder. Hasan slowly went inside, Fatima looked at him and helped him coming inside and closed the door.

She was going from there but Hasan held her hand gently. She looked at him confused.

"Will you please sit with me." He asked politely.

She nodded and sat infront of him on the bed. He held both of her hands and a tear left from fatima's eyes. She closed her eyes trying to control herself. This was making Hasan heart to ache, he doesn't even know why but it was a strange feeling for him.

"Fatima I'm sorry."

She just shook her head still looking at their hands. He kept his hand in air and she flinched slightly. He kept his hand on her face and started caressing her cheek.

"I'm really sorry, trust me I would never hurt you. I was really a bastard to even scare you like this. I'm really sorry Fatima."

"It's completely fine Hasan." She said in a low voice still looking down.

Hasan kept his index finger under her chin and made her look at him.

"Why aren't you fighting back? Why are you forgiving me so easily?"

"Hasan you forgot everything I didn't. I'll never fight with you."

"But why?"

"Because we were always like this whenever one is mad other will try to calm them down. We never was angry together, you never let me get mad intentionally or in hurting way."

"I'm sorry Fatima.. What is this?" He asked looking at her wrist, looking at her burning scar. Fatima immediately took her hand away from him.

"Fatima why there is scar on your hand."

"I spilled the oil."

"Show me."

"It's from long back." She tried to act normal.

"Are you sure?" She just nodded.

"Can I please hug you for once I promise I will not take much time of yours." Fatima asked nervously.

Hasan nodded and opened his arms a little feeling awkward. Fatima immediately hugged him without wasting a single second. Hasan wrapped his hands around her and absentmindedly pulled her more closer keeping his face on her head.

Fatima clutched his shirt tightly and trying to feel protected and safe as before. She was craving for this for more than 7 months. Hasan pulled her more closer and was continuously caressing her back. He was feeling strangely relaxed.

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