three. crash landing

Start from the beginning

Even though she couldn't always be by Ok-ju's side, she made sure to text her everyday and make sure she was doing okay at the very least.

Once Eun-kyung sent her text taking Ok-ju up on her offer, the woman drove over to Eun-kyung's workplace, parking her vehicle before heading inside the building and searching for her studio.

She was well aware that she had arrived early and purposefully drove to the academy sooner than she needed to just to be able to see what Eun-kyung's classes were like. Not that she would ever admit that.

Eun-kyung knew for a fact that Ok-ju had already seen her dance choreographies on the internet, so having her in her studio watching her in person shouldn't have felt as nerve-wracking as it did.

But she couldn't help it, nor could she understand why.

Afterward, the girls headed out on Ok-ju's motorcycle, stopping by a small store to buy some snacks.

Upon entering the store, they noticed that the only other customers inside were some men, two of which were by the register. However, they seemed to be talking to the cashier rather than paying for anything.

"Uhh... What do you want?" Ok-ju asked Eun-kyung.

"I'll pay separately." Eun-kyung responded with emphasis on the last word.

Ok-ju wordlessly rose a brow at Eun-kyung, who gave her an unamused stare.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." Eun-kyung said before walking off to the fridges holding the drinks, Ok-ju quick to follow.

"No, I don't." Ok-ju denied.

"Yes, you do. Don't you dare--" Eun-kyung began to say as she opened one of the fridges and grabbed a drink.

"Or what?" Ok-ju asked as she turned her head to look at her.

"Or I will handle you. In front of everyone here." Eun-kyung threatened her, although she didn't sound like she was sure about her own words.

"Handle me?" Ok-ju asked nonchalantly, grabbing a drink as well before Eun-kyung shut the fridge.

Eun-kyung looked at Ok-ju with raised brows as if to question the certainty of her response.

"You think you can?" Ok-ju questioned.

"You think I can't?" Eun-kyung asked back before walking into one of the isles.

Ok-ju merely shrugged, then she gave Eun-kyung a little nudge with her drink.

Eun-kyung retorted with a laugh of challenge, lightly tapping her bottle against Ok-ju's like that of a sword duel.

Ok-ju imitating her actions, only Ok-ju had hit her bottle a bit too hard and knocked it out of her grip, Eun-kyung gasping as she crouched down to catch the bottle before it could land.

"Sorry." Ok-ju whispered a quick apology, a smile appearing on her face.

The dancer chuckled silently, grabbing a little bit of candy and a bag of chips as she walked down the isle she was in.

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓 ➨ 𝒋𝒂𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒌-𝒋𝒖 (𝒃𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒂 2023)Where stories live. Discover now