author note / updates

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Hey everyone. long time no see!! So after reading the last chapter I feel there is something missing as I was not satisfied because it was fast and not dettailed. So I did some major changes in it. So I request you to read it and let me know if you liked the updated version.

And also, As you all know I'm very inactive here because of my hectic schedule and I had a very major life changing events last year. But I don't want leave this story on a random cliffhanger. Because there's no point if my readers can't even know what's the ending of this fanfic. So I'll try my best to write next chapter back to back. And will give this fanfic a good ending. But please If you like this fic, do vote it and share with your other Levi fans who are looking for a weird fanfic.

So yes that's it for now.
Take care, good bye.

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