Day 5: "Chocolate Cupcakes"

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The loud yell of the room intentifies as Milly pulled out a party confetti thing and it made a loud pop noise.

Zander covers his ears, but was happy nonetheless.

The party guests were none other than Sean and Daisy. They have been traveling together and they decided to come and visit Rosemeadow again. It was Milly's idea for the party when Sean told her a million times that it wasn't necessary; Milly kept insisting to the friend group-- minus Sean that they should do it even though.

A table in Luke and Zander's apartment was filled with foods. It wasn't many, but it was fine for just a gathering between friends-- rice, fried chicken, spagetti, some vegan food for Luke, and deserts like grapes and chocolate covered cupcakes: Sean and Daisy's favorite when they shared.

"Milly, you seriously did not have to do this!" Sean steps in to the apartment that's now filled with confetti thanks to Milly. He groans, looking at Luke and Zander with a apologetic look.

"Why? Don't you like it?" Milly asked with a whine.

Daisy nudges her boyfriend on the shoulder and smiles slyly.

"I like it..." Sean surrenders, sighing.

"Yay!" The pink haired girl ran to her old friend and put his arm around him so tight. "I missed you, Sean!"

"I miss you, too you little devil." Sean sighs and laughs. He turns to Luke and Zander. "I'm sorry that she had to make a mess in your apartment for us."

"No worries, Sean." Luke smiles.

"Yeah you'd probably not be surprised of how much she makes a mess everytime she comes to our apartment." Zander looks at Milly with a disappointed look.

Milly sticks a tongue out at Zander teasingly.

"Annnyway..." a teal haired girl clapped her hands once. "How have you all been?"


Everyone exchanged some conversations here and there. Jake, Hailey, Milly chatted with Sean and Luke and Zander with Daisy. They showed them all their adventures they had together starting from Hawaii all the way to the Philippines.

"Did you eat pineapple pizza?" Milly's eyes lit up.


"Yeah we did!" Sean interupts Daisy with a huge smile on his face.

"Sometimes I forget they're pizza fanatics." Jake whispers to Daisy as she pauses then giggles at the statement.

"These chocolate cupcakes are so good..." Zander mumbled to himself. He ate 2 already in the plate Luke made. There was another batch in the kitchen counter.

"They are!" Daisy turns to Zander. Zander's eyes widens, not expecting that Daisy heard the statement. Daisy then turns her attention to Luke. "How'd you make this, Luke?"

"Oh I know!" Milly raised her hands, interrupting Luke as he was about to respond. Jake smirks at Milly, knowing what they'll do next:

"Making cookies for my love, I stir and mix!"

The people in the room all laughed and some rolled their eyes. Zander, however looks down and blushes.

"Would you help me get the other batch in the kitchen, love?" Luke asked.

The purple haired boy nodded.

The two go into the kitchen while their friends continued to chit-chat and see where they have left off of where the last time they saw each other. Plus, a few other things as well too.

Luke got a plate and then put some cupcakes into it. Zander took one of the small cupcakes and pressed it onto his mouth. He let out a moan of satisfaction.

"Wow, you ate 3 already." Luke giggled.

"I know. I could've helped you with making this." Zander got some chocolate frosting on his cheek. He puts his hands over his chin, trying not to let the frosting spill.

"Oh, oh, wait..." Luke takes a step closer to Zander and without hesitation, he licks of just the spot of Zander's chin of where the chocolate frosting us.

Zander's eyes widens and he froze. He blicks at Luke like he just did the unbelievable.

Luke clicks his tongue. He was practically smirking. "Mmm~ You're right. It does taste delicious."

Zander felt his face turn so red. He clenches his fist and let out a loud, "Luke!"

Luke giggles which turns to hysterical laughter. With rage, Zander takes a piece of chocolate frosting and shoves it on Luke's cheeks.

Luke stops laughing. "Hey that's not fair!"

Zander smirks. "Well that's what you get!"

Luke squints his eyes. He takes a piece of the chocolate frosting and shoves it on Zander's cheeks. Before Zander could say anything however, he pushes him against the refrigerator. Zander was now pinned.

Luke smirks. "Hm..."

Zander looks down. This strong handsome idiot...

"Hey!" Luke and Zander turns around. The pink haired devil was calling out for them. "Some of us are starving to death, we need those cookies. Stop being gay you guys! Jeez!"

"Coming~" Luke replies innocently, he then turns to Luke at Zander with a seductive grin again. He whispers. "I'll get you back later again." He then unpins Zander and lifts the plate of cupcakes to give to his friends.

Zander bit his lip.

I'll be the one to get you first...


Flirt flirt flirt people 😎

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