Chapter 8: Goodbyes

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The first rays of dawn began to break, casting a rosy hue over the horizon. Birds, awakened by the new day, sang their morning songs. In the front yard of the house, Loria stood with outstretched arms, clutching onto me in a desperate embrace.

"Emilia!" Loria's voice wavered, her eyes glistening. "You can't go! Stay here with me!"

Annoyed, I tried to gently pry her hands away. "Loria, I can't stay in this city forever. You know I'm a traveler with dreams of exploring the world!"

"In that case how about we go on adventures together?" Her eyes searched mine, hopeful.

I raised an eyebrow, finally extricating myself from her grip. "Don't you need to finish your studies first? You are a student still, right?"

"Actually, I just graduated too and am now in my mentorship phase."

"Oh that's right, you're my age. In that case who is your mentor? Have you even met her yet?"

Loria hesitated, biting her lower lip and shifting her gaze to the ground. "It's Mistress Yenna," she finally admitted, her voice almost a whisper.

I blinked in surprise. "Yenna? The Enchantress of the Eastern Winds? She's one of the most renowned witches in the realm!"

"She's... distant," Loria admitted, avoiding eye contact. "I haven't met her in person yet. Our correspondence has been through letters and enchanted mirrors. She's been away on some important mission."

"Then you shouldn't miss this opportunity, Loria," I said earnestly. "Studying under Mistress Yenna could shape your future as a witch. It's an honor."

Loria sighed, looking conflicted. "I know, Emilia. But after everything that's happened between us, the idea of traveling and learning together, mending our bond... it's enticing."

I reached out and gave Loria a quick flick on her forehead, snapping her out of her contemplative state. "Ouch! Emilia!" she exclaimed, rubbing the spot, a playful frown on her face.

"Sorry, I was just thinking that a contemplative look doesn't look good on your face," I teased with a smirk. "Besides, if you're thinking of ditching Mistress Yenna's mentorship just to chase after me, you need a reality check."

Loria rolled her eyes, a playful smirk tugging at her lips. "Always the voice of reason, huh?"

"Just looking out for you," I replied, giving her a knowing look. "And besides, we've had enough drama for a while, don't you think?"

She sighed, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "I guess you're right. It's just... after finally being able to meet you again, the thought of parting again is... hard."

I stepped closer, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Loria, our paths crossed in the most unexpected of ways. Who's to say they won't cross again? And until then, we have our memories and the promise of a new beginning."

Loria looked up at me, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "Promise me we'll meet again?"

I smiled softly, squeezing her shoulder gently. "Promise. But for now, focus on your training with Mistress Yenna. Become the powerful witch I know you're destined to be. And when our paths cross again, you can regale me with tales of your adventures."

Loria nodded, taking a deep breath to steady herself. "Alright. But you better come back with stories of your own."

"Deal," I said with a chuckle, pulling her into a tight embrace. As we parted, the rising sun bathed us in its warmth, each ray symbolizing a new journey, a separate path, but with endless possibilities awaiting. 

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