Chapter 2 Reborn's new discovery

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AN: Hey guys! Thank you all so much for the votes and comments!! I'm sorry it took so long to update!!DX I'm gonna start brainstorming more for chapter ideas! I promise! Anyway. ENJOY~
Reborn's pov
After a long ass flight and a long ass drive, I finally arrived at the Sawada residence. The house looked decent enough; maybe a little let go but still decent.
I knocked on the door three times before I heard a voice yell, "Get the door Dame-Tsuna!!" 'Dame-Tsuna? Does he mean Tsunayoshi? The other twin?' I was expecting to hear some type of retort on being called dame but instead of hearing a voice answer back to the yell, I heard some distant footsteps and then a series of thuds. it seems as if someone, presumably Tsunayoshi, had fallen down the stairs...
Seconds later, the door opens to show a short, brunette with untrainable hair. 'cute.....' Wait, what? Did I just think that? A-anyway... the smaller human looked up to my face and straight in to my eyes. It was mesmerizing how large and accepting the boy's eyes looked; not to mention the intense color of light caramel tinted with orange they held. I snapped out of my daze and back to the mission.
"Hello there, my name is Reborn. I'm here to tutor Hiroyoshi, are you him?" The last part was said with some hidden hope from wanting to spend more time with the boy in front of me. Of course I knew he wasn't, but I just hoped on the off chance that I would be able to spend some student-teacher time with someone so adorable and awe-worthy.
Without the use of speech, he shook his head and gestured for me to come inside. 'Damn...' as the boy asked, I walked in. At this point I had figured out who the boy was. It doesn't take a genius to see that he was the other twin, Tsunayoshi.
He led me to a room that looked like the living space. It was spotless other than the boy sitting inches away from the television playing a video game. He was surrounded by soda cans and used dishes. 'What a slob' I couldn't help but think. 'Wait... no... he can't be Hiroyoshi...' and as if on cue, Tsunayoshi lifted his hand and extended his finger to point at my new student.
He saw the look of disappointment in my eyes that I didn't bother to hide and set his hand on my shoulder to get my attention. I look over to his face to find a look of understanding, guilt, and pity all in one as if to say 'I know, good luck...' With that, Tsunayoshi went to the next room that seemed to be the kitchen.
Realizing that my student hadn't even glanced away from the television, I make a loud 'ahem' noise to get his attention. Nothing. Not even a twitch of movement. Is he that unaware of his surroundings? This is going to be harder than I thought...
As a second attempt, I walk up to him and tap on his shoulder. Nothing again!! No response at all! Getting fed up with the whole thing, I go towards the outlet the wall and unplug the large device that had captivated my new student's attention so well.
His face dropped. Then as if his emotions took a 180 degree turn, he jumped up with unnecessary fury and turned his entire body towards me. As if he hadn't even realized I wasn't his brother, he screamed, "Dame-Tsuna I'll kill yo-" then as reality hit him, he looked up at my eyes with surprise. This gave me a chance to examine him. My student had dirty blonde hair that was much shorter than his brother's; his eyes were blue and narrow, or at least compared to Tsunayoshi's they were. He was more built than his twin; sadly, that might have been the only boss quality I've seen about him. 'Why do I keep using Tsunayoshi as a comparison for his twin? He isn't the Vongola candidate. Something about him just...interest me...'
"Wait, who the hell are you?" The boy's words snap me out of my thoughts and I realize what he said. I make Leon, my shapeshifting lizard, (AN: I forgot to add Leon in the last chapter. So in adding him here. Continue~) in to a hammer and got my student on the head with it. "Manners baka. Don't curse at your elders. My name is Reborn and I'm here to be your tutor." Hiroyoshi looked at me with pure anger while rubbing the back of his head where I hit him. "A tutor!? I don't need a damn tutor! Get the hell out of my hous- AGH!" I cut him off again with the hammer.
To my right I hear beautiful, soft chuckling. I look over to see Tsunayoshi covering his mouth with his hand and looking away. His chest was moving up and down to suggest that he had been laughing at the seen. In his other hand was a tray holding a pot of steaming tea and two cups.
I notice Hiroyoshi look up at his brother with shock and then a glare. His twin noticed the look and immediately was trembling out of fear. Tsunayoshi immediately hides his face with his bangs and stops laughing. The room was silent while I observed the situation. 'Well that's suspicious...'
Deciding to break the silence, I sit down on the living room couch and begin speaking. "You are the candidate to be the boss of the most influential mafia family in the world, the Vongola." The faces on both twins were amusing, they were covered with shock and confusion. The most amusing face was the adorable brunette. His expression left a smirk on my mouth. Something inside of me just wanted to witness every expression his face could make...I think I'm starting to like this boy...

AN: I know that chapter was short but I've been having a hard time thinking up chapter ideas. I plan on updating faster from now on though. And don't forget to comment. They help me alooooooot XD. Anyway. I'll be thinking of chapter ideas. Bye bye~

The wrong twin. (Hitman reborn fic) R27Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon