16 | Only ever been you

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Adira Bowen

He stood waiting for me at the gate. His smile perked up as he caught sight of me and as I made it through I dropped my duffel wrapping my arms around him tight.

I didn't care who would see, I just cared that I was with him. I didn't say many words, I just held him tight and felt him kiss the top of my head. I soon let go and he reached for my duffel taking my hand.

"So the trip home went that well huh?" He joked.

"Yeah best part of dinner was when you and I popped up on my father's phone screen" He sucked in his lips as I nodded, "Of course first to comment was Kate, and I was done" He intertwined our hands as we walked to find the car.

Today I just stayed in my room with the door locked until my flight. My mom tried to talk to me but I was just mute. But I hugged her and Dad goodbye at the airport. I just wasn't ready to talk and I didn't have much to say.

I'm a grown adult, I didn't need anyone's opinions on my relationships. They don't need to know them either, I'm allowed to be private. There wasn't pressure within this relationship and that's how it should stay.

"At least tell me your Thanksgiving went better?" I looked at him and he smiled with a nod.

"Mom's Thanksgiving dinner is always interesting and it was nice to be with my family" At least he had a good Thanksgiving.

He opened the passenger door for me and as I sank into the seat he threw my duffel in the trunk. I buckled myself in as he got himself situated in the front and the engine roared to life.

"I hate guys like you" He looked at me confused, "the dickwods who rev their engines loud as if they own the streets!"

"Princess it's New York, I do own the streets" He pecked my cheek and drove away from the airport. I was exhausted and needed to recharge, it was good to be back.

I felt bad leaving Lucy like that, but she understood. I would see her soon for the wedding anyway. She asked me to bring Rhys as my plus one, I don't think that would go swimmingly.

"What did you do in your free time today without me?" I glance over at him as he shrugs.

"Decided how many children I want with you?" I turned to him as I felt myself blushing at his playful banter.

"And what's the verdict?" I muse.

"I say we make it an odd three?" He joked as I laughed nodding in agreement.

As we made our way through the city I noticed we strayed away from Soho, "This isn't my way home?" He sucked on his bottom lip knowing something I didn't.

"You're coming to my place for the night before you have to go explain to your roommates how shit it was. Just relax with me Princess okay?"

"Okay," The heat in the car drew into my comfort as I turned slightly in my seat to face him. His eyes focused on the road as his right hand remained against my thigh.

We turned onto 57th Street and then it hit me as we slowed down. Somewhere within these skyscrapers was Rhys's home. He pulled into a secluded parking garage and as we made it to a certain floor the gate shut behind us as he pulled into a spot.

There was always youOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz