8 | Mine all mine

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Adira Bowen

"Rhys where are we going!" Being dragged down cobblestone streets in black pumps wasn't an easy task. It was almost a skill to have, which I didn't.

"You are being a slow poke" He complains looking back as I struggle down the roads. I let go of his hand as I almost took a tumble. His eyes meet mine and he sighs.

"I'm sorry I-" I'm lifted and thrown over his shoulder without warning, "Rhys Hawking you put me down this instant!" I squirm in his arms as he laughs.

"Princess calm down" He'd promised me a special evening, whatever that meant. But the past few days after the club, we've been taking it easy. Staying in and going to the beach. I'd spend my days in the spa and baking in the sun.

I watched him fail at paddle boarding a few times and somehow he convinced me to join him on the death mission one of the days. I couldn't lie, it was fun, horrific, and absolutely hilarious. But dead silent when a fish that looked like a shark approached us.

"Maybe I should've said we should stay in" I grumble as his grip remains still.

"What, so you can swim around in the ocean again and say 'Do you wanna play mermaids with me?'" I suck in my lips tight as the memory remains etched in my mind. He didn't find it funny, let's just say he didn't watch H2O as a kid.

"Yeah, that sounds like fun to me!"

"You need to quit being a hermit for now and just relax. We aren't doing anything extreme" His hand caresses my leg as I relax my body. He smelt nice, like cinnamon and vanilla. It wasn't some gross cologne that men convinced themselves that smelt good.

I feel his chest rise and fall as he laughs "Are you sniffing me Adira?" My body stiffs as he notices.

"No..." He turns his face back towards me unconvinced, "Maybe?" He pulls me down to the ground back onto the cobble, "Was the sniffing too far for you?" He shakes his head and then scoops me up with his arms.

"I wanted to see your face" He winks at me and I look forward to see a motorcycle waiting for us. I look up to him as he nods at me.



"No? You're going to get us killed!" He tilts his head at me, I wasn't getting in that death trap with him. He was a bad driver in general.

"You know a motorcycle isn't a race car right? Because I'm pretty sure you treat your jag like it's a race car?"

"Adira I was racing Stiles in the car with you and him in it. Come on just trust me, just this once please" Letting me down to my feet I stand staring at the motorcycle. He hands me a helmet as he puts his on.

"Where are we going?"

"You were never good with surprises were you?" I shake my head as he climbs on. Patting the backseat I find myself with no other options. As I sit, he turns and secures my helmet in case.

"What was that for?"

"I'd hate to see that pretty little face get a little scruffed up" He turns away as I hit his back.

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