Fateful Gathering

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The next night after he arrived, Toji watched as Lancer and Saber began their fight. His gaze was not only watching them but also the spectators around them. And they sure are a lot of them. In fact, every Servant is here, hidden away.

"Coming here was a good idea," Toji remarked.

After being summoned, he had spent his time getting an understanding of the battlefield and hopefully gaining insight into the identities and locations of the other Servants and Masters. However, the latter objective fell short.

Which is why he's in a good mood. Lancer, judging by his spears, took incitive and publically challenged any Servant that would answer. Though, that was probably done by his Master's orders, based on the Servant's demeanor.

Still, this gives Toji a great opportunity to not only see the prowess of the two fighting Servants but to also gain information on all his opponents at the same time. Making it easier for the presence-less Foreigner.

"Alright, it's time to do some scouting," Toji mumbled as he leaped up onto a rooftop. His purple worm, the Inventory Curse, was nowhere in sight.

Quickly locating a guy, Toji spotted a man with black hair, dark eyes, a gloomy expression, and a rifle in his hands. Based on his energy levels, he isn't a Servant but a Magus. Meaning that he is either a Master or a Magus working for a Master. Too bad his hands are covered.

Moving on, Toji came across another Magus as he quietly ascended to a vantage point. This one, though, is without a doubt a Master. He didn't even bother covering his command seals. Toji wondered if he should kill him now but held himself back. He still needs the element of surprise.

The next guys Toji found were in a pair, Master and Servant. With the former looking like a kid straight out of middle school and the latter looking... the complete opposite. Red hair, a towering physique, and a presence that screams power. Yeah, this guy is not a normal Servant.

'Stronger than Lancer, maybe. Depending on their noble phantasms. But this guy is definitely superior in all-around strength.' Toji would watch this one and Saber. Both of them look like a hassle to deal with.

As Toji made to move on to the next target, the battle between Lancer and Saber increased in intensity.

"Enough of this, Lancer. I'll give you permission. Use your noble phantasm and crush her." a confident voice resounded throughout the crate yard. So, that guy was Lancer's Master, Toji connected.

Turning his eyes toward the fight, he watched as Lancer dropped his yellow spear and unwrapped the talisman around his red one. Releasing a torrent of energy that only a phantasm could possess.

In quick succession, the battle that was in Saber's favor turned against her as the red spear chipped away at the mystic code that surrounded her blade. Revealing a golden light with each clash that even Toji, a being not of this world, could identify.

'You're kidding... Excalibur? That girl is King Arthur, then? From that folktale?' Bewildered, Toji had to remind himself of the nature of Servants, legends from the past. They don't have to be real or actually have existed. So long as there is a legend, they can become a Heroic Spirit.

Then, as the battle continued, Lancer's actions reached their climax. By using only the red spear, he made everyone, especially Saber believe that it was his only noble phantasm. Which effects led Saber to dispel her armor. Leaving her vulnerable for when Lancer picked up his yellow spear in the middle of a clash and delivered a blow to Saber's unprotected hand.

'A brilliant scheme.' Toji found himself praising. It reminded him of his older self, the one who fought and nearly killed Gojo Satoru.

The Sorcerer Hunter's amusement was only heightened when Saber found her wound unhealable. A wound that Lancer specifically aimed at her tendons, rendering her right arm nearly useless.

'So, a red spear that can cut through magic and a yellow spear that permanently wounds you... I should wait to fight him until later. Getting a permanent injury now would lower my chances of winning this.' Toji decided.

His gaze watched as Saber and Lancer started round two of their bout. Only for a chariot drawn by two bulls to descend in between the two of them. The force of the impact sending smoke into the air as lighting cackled around the historic vehicle.

Then, a voice called out. "My name is Iskandar, the King of Conquerors! In this Holy Grail War, I am of the Rider class!" the red-haired man from before, along with his Master, stood in the chariot. The servant, now named Iskander, flashed a fearless smile.

While Saber and Lancer stood in shock at the brazenness of the king before them, Toji nearly laughed. He could tell that this wasn't simply foolishness. Iskander understands the significance of a true name to a Servant. He just doesn't care.

'I was right about him. He's not normal.' Toji chuckled silently. Turning his attention toward a Servant stalking in the darkness as Iskandar stole the show. This Servant... isn't normal either. Toji can tell, even without seeing him, that he is a problem.

This uneasiness... caused Toji to leave the scene before the Servant's attention could be placed on him. He didn't know what kind of power that Servant possessed but he knew that if he took that Heroic Spirit lightly, it would cost him.

So he left.

A shame, to be sure. He still doesn't know anything about Assassin, Berserker, or Archer. And if he stayed, he probably would have known a great deal more than he does now. But, it would have come at the exchange of his own revealment. A price he isn't willing to pay just yet.

So, for now, Toji will do what he can with the information he did gain. Which means, taking advantage of the injury Saber sustained against Lancer. And using it to eliminate her.


Yo, chapter notes here.

There are a few things I would like to explain about this chapter. One, the reason why Toji referred to the "guy who fought and almost killed Gojo Satoru" as his older self. And two, why Toji left after Gilgamesh arrived, even though the King of Heroes hadn't even materialized yet.

For the former, Toji's saint graph is that of his prime. Meaning that his true name is actually "Toji Zenin", not "Toji Fushiguro". Think of it like how Gilgamesh has three different variants from different times in his life. They all have the same memories but their personalities are not the same. That's what I was trying to get across when I wrote that.

Also, It's basically Toji saying that he would have won that fight if he was in his prime. Which is highly debatable but makes sense from his point of view, I would have thought something similar if a weaker version of me lost.

Now, for the latter, Toji left because his instincts told him to. He's not the type to push his luck so he just left, glad that he learned what he did. However, there is another reason behind it: his rematch with Gojo that cost him his life. In that short battle, he ignored his instincts and continued fighting, and know how that went.

Thus, this Toji had resolved himself to never disregard his instinct. So he left without a second thought. However, that doesn't mean that Toji is scared of Gilgamesh. His instincts were warning him that Gilgamesh could expose his identity, and ruin what he's trying to accomplish in the shadows. That's why he even felt uneasy.

Anyway, this is my first time making chapter notes. There might be more later on if I feel like I didn't explain something enough. So watch out for these. Bye.

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⏰ Última actualización: Oct 26, 2023 ⏰

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