Chapter 8: Not so Mundane

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The Avengers had a blast with baby Loki. They took so many photos that Loki would most likely burn if he saw them once back in his usual state. And by that, I mean burning the physical photos and the phones.
You found that it was surprisingly easy for him to fall asleep and a bit harder for him to find something to make a fuss about. He already knew how to crawl and he was kind of making words. Natasha, Wanda and Vision would sit on the floor with little toys or tennis balls and try to get him to crawl to each of them. When Tony brought Morgan over, she constantly wanted to hold Loki. Eventually she had to go home, but then it was Tony's turn to hold Loki. Bruce entertained Loki for a bit by showing off a few cool science-y things that were safe enough for the baby to be around but still pretty enough for Loki to be interested. Clint tried to show off some of his archery skills outside but Loki was more interested in the butterflies that flapped around his face and the planes that flew overhead.
When baby Loki needed a bath, Sam and Bucky sat by his side and messed with him for probably an hour. Styling his hair in funny shapes, splashing him with water, dripping water over his head to give him a weird sensation on his face, hiding toys from him, etc etc. He did eventually start crying, but the moment Steve came in and saved Loki, Loki was very much fine. It appears he's still a trouble maker after all. As fun as that sounds, you already understood that that could get Loki in massive trouble. Since he is still a baby, he is pretty dumb.

When you decided it was time for Loki to go home the next day, Steven offered to stay at the compound until he can find a solution to this issue. He was aware that if someone were to be stressed out for too long around a baby, it can stress them out. Very thoughtful of him.
You drove Thor and Loki back home only to find Aunt Mindy crashed on the couch and the twins duct taped together. They were sitting upright but slowly drooped to the side while they snoozed. "I'm... not even going to question that," this honestly wasn't the craziest technique Mindy has used to settle the cousins down.
Thor sat on the couch with Loki in his arms and quietly turned the TV on. In other words, he stared at the remote buttons, not knowing what they meant, until you guided him to press the correct ones. The second the TV was on, a very loud animal documentary picked up where Mindy left off. Everyone in the room, except for the cousins, was startled. "Oh my!" Mindy looked to her left to see a giant man sitting next to her. "Oh-! Oh... it's just you, Thor."
She settled down and leaned back on the couch, seemingly exhausted. Thor quickly turned the TV volume down after a few seconds of struggling to figure out how to do that. "Soooo... what happened with Amber and Kyeden last night?" You asked, trying to hide the smirk in your voice.
"Ugh those brats wouldn't leave me alone! They should've been in bed, but they were just running around nonstop and hitting each other and getting into pillow fights and throwing things- my lord! I need a vacation." It was pretty common to have Aunt Mindy ranting about the kids. But you knew she was still a great mum, even if the duct tape didn't show that.

You made breakfast for everyone. Thor ate probably eight of your delicious pancakes, bringing a great smile to your lips. Loki couldn't eat any but it didn't seem he was hungry anyways.

You all decided to just relax for now. You sat on the floor and played with Loki, Amber and Kyeden playing with him too. Mindy and Thor observed from the couch. A loud smash sounded from upstairs, causing Thor to jolt up. He rushed up your carpeted stairs, everyone's eyes watching him with worry and confusion. You stroked Loki's hair, hoping for Thor's safety, and looked down at the innocent child. Your eyes widened as Loki chewed on the corner of a large, glowing blue cube in his hands.

The tesseract.

Word Count: 740
Publish Date: 21 October 2023

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