Chapter 5: Uh Oh

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Steven's stomach dropped thinking he had just sent Loki to an unknown dimension. You were purely confused considering you didn't know what the point of the spell was to begin with. "Uhh. Steven..?"
The wizard's mouth stuttered up and down as if he was about to speak but no noise came out. Finally the last bit of smoke had gone away and revealed the truth behind Loki's invisibility. A baby sat in his place.
Both Steven's and your eyes widened and your jaws hit the floor. You were flabbergasted. That is not at all how the spell was supposed to go. Loki being a baby now, not understanding any of what was going on. But if he still had the brain of his older self, he would know that his mischief had changed the words on the page to create a spell for changing the material of one's skin, but the actual instructions on the page were used for an age regression spell. Since you and Steven were completely oblivious to Loki's tomfoolery, you wouldn't figure this out for a while.

You dropped your drink and immediately ran towards the child. Those motherly instincts had already kicked in. Meanwhile Dr Strange continued to stand there like a statue, hardly even processing the situation at hand. First there was Loki, then there was yellow magic, now there's a baby. ...What...?
Once you had reached Baby Loki, you dropped to your knees and held the baby's face. So small and squishy and soft. You quickly noticed that Loki's clothes were still on the grass, it was just that the baby was naked. I don't think I'm ever going to be able to look at Loki the same again... That is if we can get him back to normal-

You snapped your head towards Steven. "STEVEN! Snap out of it!" He shook his head for a second and was brought back to reality, tuning into your instructions. "Go inside and get Aunt Mindy! Tell her that we need some- uhh... diapers..."
Steven nodded and twisted on his heels, running towards the house. You looked back at Loki, who just stared back up at you blankly. You kept your hands on his back to stop him from tumbling backwards. He blinked and giggled at you, causing you to crack a smile. "You seem a little too cute to be Loki, but I'm not complaining."

A couple minutes rolled past of you staring at Loki and him staring back at you, and Aunt Mindy and Steven had finally come out. Mindy was very confused and Steven seemed nervous, although that was a fair reaction on his part. "Where did this baby come from, Y/N? Whose baby is that?" Aunt Mindy questioned. "I'll explain that in a moment, but first, can you put a diaper on him?" You asked innocently. She held out a diaper towards you, waiting for you to take it. You just stared at it, having no intention of actually touching it. "You do it, Y/N."
"Why not?
"I've taught you how to do it. C'mon, put a diaper on him!"
"I don't want to!"
"Why not?"
"You do it."
She huffed and slowly bent down to her knees. She laid the baby on his back and put the diaper on him. As she did so, he continued to stare at you blankly. You sneered at him, trying to get some kind of reaction of him. It did nothing.


Word Count: 581
Publish Date: 30 June 2023

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