"you're not going"

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I was dancing on top of the counter in mystic grill when I heard someone "all right time to go" as I was picked up off the counter by Damon "fine, party pooper" as he picked me up I locked eyes with a man with the most beautiful blue eyes. As damon placed me on my feet I stumbled, I saw the handsome man chuckle at me failing to stand.

"Y/n are you ok?" "Damon I'm fine let's just go" I said as I broke eyes with the handsome man, I felt sad that I had to leave the handsome man without talking to him. As we walked to the exit I looked at the handsome man once again because doing a little wave and leaving.

Klaus pov:

She looked beautiful though she was drunk dancing on the counter, then damon Walked up to her, I felt jealously 'how did she know damon' I calmed down and I kept staring at her as he picked her up and walked her over to the entrance, she turned back to me and smiled while waving.

I nodded at her and cracked a little smile. Sooner or later, I went home with a random woman and ended up feeding on her. But I was thinking about the woman at mystic grill, and how she knows Damon, "nik" I turned around to see my sister Rebekah "what is it little sister" "when are we leaving this stupid town" "when I get what I came for" with that she left.

Y/n pov:

I woke up with a massive headache I groaned and sat up on my bed,and walked down stairs "Stefan! Damon!" I called for them no answer, 'i guess no one's here' I heard a knock at the door so I walked over to it, I opened it and looked around for anybody but it was just a box. With a letter on it I picked up the box and opened it to see a beautiful silk dress I gasped. I then opened the letter to see what it said.

Dear y/n

This is a gift from Klaus mikaelson you this silk ballgown dress is to be weared at the mikaelson ball tonight as I want to see you in it. Feel free to bring a plus one or no one at all, also make sure to check the bottom of the box.


Klaus mikaelson


I cracked a smiled though I didn't know who Klaus was I was excited to see this Klaus mikaelson in also check the bottom of the box to see some heels, I smiled and went to put the box up in my room, sooner or later Stefan and Damon got back, and I gave them the letter "no you're not going" "what why?" I groaned "because this is Klaus mikaelson were talking about" "what's so bad about him" I asked "he's an original for starters, and he's not good news." "I'll be the judge of that" I stated "fine, but we're going with you" I groaned again, and nodded. Then went upstairs and, went to my room and closed the door, I sighed in relief 'why did I even date him, oh yeah good looking, and big dick' I then flopped on my bed taking a breath, and took a small nap.

Love||K.M x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang