"Date Night at mystic grill."

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"Let's hope you're not like the last" she stated and dragged Damon upstairs to do god-knows what, as I sighed and made a disgusted face, and walk upstairs to my room, as soon as I opened the door, I crashed on the bed, ready to pass out till i heard noises through the wall, i groaned and banged on the wall but they just got louder, I then grabbed a pillow, and slammed it on my head hoping to block out the noises, then groaned as i kept hearing them, "god damnit!?" I shouted as they got louder.


I felt the light burst through the curtains, I groaned "Damnit..." After last night I knew I would be grumpy, so I got myself up and headed downstairs.

As soon as I walked down the stairs I saw Rebekah, leaving while Damon had a smug look on his face "Morning sunshine" he waved. "Morning all night fucker." I crossed my arms and walked to the kitchen, and made myself some toast and eggs. I heard people arguing as soon as I was about to eat, I groaned, and picked up my coffee mug and drank from it and placed it down making a "ding" noise. I heard footsteps, and turned around to see Elena "Who are you?" She asked me "______, rose, I'm Stefan and Damon's friend, sorry I didn't introduce myself at the ball, I was a bit occupied." My heart fluttered at the thought of me and Klaus last night, "oh well nice to meet you" "you as well" with that I continued eating in the kitchen. "Don't you have somewhere to be Cinderella?" I heard Damon's voice, I groaned and sat the plate down.

*Time skip*

As I arrived at the mystic grill, in my black silk dress along with my black heels, I saw Klaus sitting with another man, as he saw me and gave me a smirk, and downed his drink as I walked over to him.

"Wow, doesn't she look like a delicious morsel", I took notice of who it was it was Klaus's brother kol, "Kol if you don't shut your mouth, I'll rip your heart out" Klaus commented as kol threw his hands up in defeat and got off his seat and reached out for my hand, I took his hand and shaked it, "it was lovely to meet you" "same to you" I commented as he let my hand go and I sat next to Klaus.

"Love, you look ravishing" he smiled at me, I couldn't help but get lost in those blue eyes of his, as I smiled back. "Thank you, you don't look so bad yourself" I giggled as he laughed along with me and ordered us two shots of whiskey, we began talking about the other night, "y'know I've gotta say, your sisters a real bitch" I laughed as he nodded his head in agreement "Rebekah, can be hand full" "I can tell" I nodded as the bartender slid the two shots to us, me and Klaus both drunk our shots, and sat the cups down.

"I really did enjoy the other night" "I do wish we could do it again sometime" I gigged and crossed my arms, "then why don't we?" He smirked and got off his seat and swept me off my feet, as I laughed at him trying to avoid people, as he carried me out of the grill.



how was y'all Christmas?

Another short but longish chapter.

words: 629😨😨😨😨😨😨

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