October 20th

20 2 1

I want the sweet love
The I'll hold your hand love
The sweet kisses when leaving
The bold I love you's
I want the sweet, true never ending love

How can you know who your soulmate is
I'm starting to think my soul is broken
My heart is connect to many
The first boy who broke my heart, my friends that hold my hands when I cry
The girl who never left my side and the boy I shouldn't have left
So who is my true soulmate

Your stupid smirk makes my day
Im constantly begging for your affection
Falling you like a lost puppy
Making me feel like I'm going to die
But that stupid smile, oh I-it just

To many times I let words sink in and it broke me
So I'll never take a I love you, to seriously again
You'll leave, and that I love you will just be there
I can't believe what people say
The words always hurt me in the end

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