October 19th

24 1 2

My freedom of speech is always being taken
School tells you to be quiet and not to speak outa turn
At home you hear, be quiet, don't disturb others
So why is it called freedom of speech
If im not free to speak

How could he love me
I'm broken and misshapen in all the wrong places
I'm broken, my heart has been snapped too many times
So how could you love me?

I wear his bracelet
He wears mine
A little bit of me stays with him
And him with me

It's in the past, right?
But your hand still feels right in mine
When we touch on accident
You were the hoodie I stole from you months ago, like I never did
But it's in the past

My one rule is, don't let me find out
Gonna cheat? Don't let me find out
Going to talk about me? Don't let me hear it
But the crazy thing is I always find out, everything

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