Chapter 9 // The Double Breakup

Start from the beginning

Vincent instantly lunges for the envelope, ripping it open. Hayden shrieks and tries to grab at Vincent's hands, but it's to no avail as Vincent quickly reads the news.

"You got in," Vincent says with mild disinterest before throwing the crinkled paper on the table.

"What?" Hayden mutters in confusion.

"Oh my god," Scott says excitedly, getting up from his chair. "Hayden, I'm so proud of you." Scott heaves a hearty laugh before hauling his boy out of his chair and hugging him.

Hayden is still stuck in a state of shock.

Does the college practically have a one-hundred percent acceptance rate? Yes, but Hayden's never believed in himself the way anyone else has so he didn't think this was even possible for him.

"I got in?" Hayden says smally, staring at Vincent for confirmation.

Vincent rises from his chair, rolling his eyes with a little smirk. He places his hands on Hayden's shoulders before shaking his body so he can get it through to his pea-sized brain.

"You got in, idiot," Vincent says slowly, his smile growing bigger at each word. "We're going to college together."

"Holy sweet mother of baby back ribs!" Hayden screams, leaning closer to Vincent to the point where he can see every detail of the face he's grown fond of. "Vinny, you shitting not be better me."

Scott laughs at his son's scrambled words, examining the pair's happiness fondly.

He really hopes that things work out for these two.

"You fucking got in," Vincent reveals one last time.

Before Vincent has any time to prepare himself, Hayden is throwing himself in his arms. Hayden's arms circle around his neck as an elated laugh bubbles out of him and into Vincent's eardrum, warming his whole body.

Vincent, for once, can't resist the affection and tightly hugs Hayden. He may not be great at showing emotion but nobody would be able to tell that about him if someone took a snapshot of this instance.

Speaking of snapshots, Scott secretly gets a picture of the two, thinking about how much his son has changed for the better with Vincent by his side.

"Thank you, Vinny," Hayden says sweetly, still cuddled up in the raveonettes arms.


"Thank you for blessing me with the smell of your hair," Hayden announces, forgetting the real reason that he's thanking him, which is for always being there for him. "It's like heaven."

Vincent laughs loudly before politely shoving Hayden off of him. Hayden steps down, but his smile never disappears, causing his cheeks to hurt.

"Come on, I'll treat you to dessert," Vincent claims.

Hayden brightly looks at his best friend before wrapping his arms around his bicep, causing Vincent to roll his eyes.

"Are you coming, Scott?" Vincent asks curiously.

"No, I'll be fine here," Scott says with a careless flick of his hand. "You two go have fun."

Vincent nods before leading Hayden out of the door.

As the two walk to the ice cream parlor, their conversation is as lively as ever. Hayden can't seem to shut up about their future college life while Vincent feels Hayden's energy rubbing off on him but doesn't show it.

Everything is going so perfectly for Hayden right now...that is until Vincent stops dead in his tracks with a panicked expression.

"Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck," he mutters, whipping out his phone.

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