That memory is the only thing keeping Hawks alive.

"Woah!" Hawks flies up and over his desk, making a mess of Enji's files as he narrowly avoids his fist. "Hello alarm clock!"

"I know your government pension," Enji snaps, ripping back his chair. "Only extremely ill budgeting would forfeit an apartment at the least."

"I'm not homeless!"

"Then go home."

Blood is caked in his hair, but it doesn't look like his own. Hawks' jacket collar is ripped, and he's absolutely filthy, but still spry enough to dodge Endeavor's grip in his sleep.

"Hey, I haven't been on this side of town in weeks." Hawks doesn't pick up the files he spilled, instead leaning back over the desk in what he must think is seductive. "Can't a pal just say hi?"

"You can make an appointment with my secretary," Enji deadpans, trying to remember what he came in here for. It's probably under Hawks' shoe.

"Sorry, I don't wait in lines," Hawks purrs. His gaze flicks down and up, "Nice Burberry. I don't think I've ever seen you in a suit, but then again, I didn't know they made 'em in your size. Jesus."

Enji could probably kill him and get away with it. Not that he's a liar, but the busted lock on the window is enough proof for a breaking and entering.

Hawks warbles his feathers, and Enji remembers the way they burned.

"You look like you're contemplating murder," Hawks snickers.

"I'm not usually so transparent," Enji grunts, drawing another laugh from Hawks.

"Heard you had a guest appearance on Friday. I was sorta' bummed I missed all the action."

"It wasn't all that exciting," Enji says, peaking under the few files left that aren't spilled on his floor. "You would have grown bored."

"Hmm. You know, everyone keeps talking about how well we worked together in Kyushu. The people are calling for a team-up."

In all truth, Hawks is easy to work with in battle. He's willing to play support rather than steal the spotlight, which is surprisingly out of character. He's earned the title of Number Two, but Enji won't tell him that.

"I'm leaving," Enji snaps. "Clean this up, or you'll regret it."

"Ooh, sexy," Hawks beams.


"You," Enji says, "are not making a habit out of this."

It's not even nighttime. The sun is still up, bright and beaming through the windows, but Hawks is curled up in his guest chair this time, folded entirely too small, dark circles painted under his eyes. If it pulls at his heart, Enji would never ever ever admit that out loud.

Hawks snuffs awake, wings flapping out and nearly catching Enji by surprise. He steps out of the way as Hawks sits up, rubbing his eyes.

"Yo," Hawks yawns. "No need to yell, big guy."

He definitely did not yell, but Hawks stretches and rises like he's been sleeping there all night. Enji's eye twitches.

"Get out."

"Hey, I was just waiting for you," Hawks picks up a folder on his desk and slaps it back down for show. "What is it, ten a.m.? Wow, the Number One life sure is luxurious isn't it?"

"I had-" Enji starts to say, but realizes that Hawks has zero obligation to know anything about his personal life, so Enji cuts off and glares. "What is that?"

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