~Part 11~

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"I have to tell you something" Lando says and picks his hands and I look at him questioningly "What is it Lando?" I ask as I walk up to him. He pulls me to a small bench there. "Uhm" He says and becomes a bit nervous. "What's wrong?" I say and put my hand on his knee. "I haven't been completely honest" Lando says softly and looks at him "Now tell me Lando" I say calmly "Louis was right in a very drunken mood that Wednesday when we left that boat I had sex with Kelly" Lando says and I nod and take my hand off his knee. "What do you want now, get angry, come on Lando, we are nothing" I say and Lando looks at me "But" Say that "But nothing, we are nothing and will never be anything" I say and want to get up "Come on" I say Lando "I liked you Lando but you should have been honest right away, I can't talk about people who lie" I say and walk away. I'm back, at back stage and sink into the couch and feel my eyes getting watery, I don't know why I'm crying now, but I really liked Lando. "Hey" Nina says when he comes in I swallow and she smiles at her "What's wrong" She says and sits next to me and hugs me "Louis was just right Lando had sex with Kelly that night when we came back from the boat" I say and Nina looks at me with big eyes "Yes, sorry, but he also lies about it. If he had been honest it would have been different" I say and Nina nods and pulls me into a tight hug. "What's going on here?" Martijn asks and comes to sit next to me. "Nothing, something is going on at home." I say quickly and Martijn gives me a tight hug. "Have you seen Lando?" Louis asks and I shake my head "Yes, Kelly is also lost." The other girls say when they walk in, "they are fucking each other." I say shortly and Martijn looks at me. "Yes, it's true" I say and stand up . Nina looks at the boys and then at me "Come on Jade what's wrong" Martijn asks "THAT FUCKING LANDO JUST LIE TO ME, HE SAID HE DIDN'T FUCK KELLY WHILE THEY DID" I say angrily and Martijn walks towards me "Come here" Martijn says and I let myself go the tears roll down my cheeks "I have no right to be angry but he should have just told me" I say sobbing. "We said you're too ugly for Lando" Katie says "Just shut up" Nina says angrily and Selma and Katie start laughing "Just fuck off" Nina says "No nevermind I'm going home I don't feel that way good" I say and Martijn lets me go "Just stay, you'll feel better" Martijn says and shrugs "I'll stay with you the whole time" Nina says and then I agree to stay. After half an hour Lando and Kelly are back and I know enough, because Kelly was laughing and gossiping with those girls while Lando just looks at me. I deviate from his gaze and Nina smiles at me "You find something much better" Nina says and I nod "Sure" I say and we drink another can of Red Bull. Up and then the time has come. Martijn has to get up and we all stay backstage.

 Martijn has to get up and we all stay backstage

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Liked by Gieldewinter and 1300 others

Jade_dewinter: Im glad that i met you, i hope you know that @Ninadejong


Of cours i know







You have a big friend group now


@Martijngarrix wie is die gozer met zijn reactie onder haar comment heb iets gemist (who is that guy with his reaction under her comment. Did I miss something)


Miss you


@gieldewinter Nee (No)


When Martijn returns, we decide to visit a club, even though I really don't feel like it, but Nina thought it would be fun if I went along. So now we walk into a club, not very busy but just nice. "Do you want a drink too?" Nina asks and I nod and she walks to the bar. "Are you okay?" Martijn asks and puts his hand on my shoulder "Yes, I shouldn't be sad, we were nothing and apparently that's how he saw it too" I say and Martijn laughs softly "Well there are plenty of fish in the sea" Martijn says and gives me a big hug "Here's a Red Bull vodka" Nina says and smiles at her "Here are enough boys to drive Lando crazy" Nina laughs "I'm not like that" I say and Nina shrugs his shoulders "Well, too bad he had I've gone crazy." She says and we walk to the place that Martijn has managed to reserve. "Are we going to do shots?" Martijn asks and everyone agrees, "You too" Nina says and shrugs "Come" She says and gives me a shot I drink it in one go and Nina claps "Good job" Nina says and This goes on until I'm completely drunk and I feel everything turning, that's why I never got drunk again, now I remember.

"Come on, Jade, let's go" Nina says "Yes, but" I mumble "Just come" She says and I chuckle "I'll stay for a while" I say and want to walk back "No, come" Louis also says and wants to take me with him "STOP " I say and then almost fall over. "If you stay here alone, it won't turn out well." Louis says, "Yes, everything will be fine, just let me down." I say, "Don't be stupid, just come along." Yes, but why are Martijn allowed? "Lando and those sluts will stay." I say. "Because they are not completely drunk." Nina says and I gently push her away and slowly walk inside. "No, we really don't do that" Martijn says as he also walks outside with the other person. "Hey tell them if you want to stay" I laugh and look at Martijn "No, we're all going now" Martijn says and wants to take me with him "WHY NOT" I say angrily "Because you're drunk" Martijn says and looks at me worried " Leave me alone, this will be fine" I say and walk away from them "Just leave her for a while, she will be back soon" Louis says and they walk towards the car and I go towards the beach. When I get there, let me go on the beach myself fall into bed and chuckle some more and then feel bad. I lie down and fall asleep in the middle of the beach

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