[>Chapter 2: Adjusting the norm>]

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{ Location: Yohei middle school, Time: 11.09 a.m}

*Insert anime school bells ring*

It has been a few weeks since I transmigrated into this world and right now....

"...Maaaann..... I'm so tired..."

I feel so tired.

I just went through four subjects in and out of class and it finally ended with lunch and it continues with free period until the school end.

' I didn't remember that being a high school student was this tiring. Whatever, I should go and eat my lunch in classroom instead. It's too hot to eat outside anyways.'

As I opened up my lunch box, someone suddenly came and talked to me.

" Woah! Takagi-san, did you make this bento? It look so good an adorable!" Said girl A as she looked at my bento box.

" It look so yummy too!" Said girl B while taking pictures of it.

" Takagi making bento? Nice!" Said boy A.

Why are these people suddenly talking to me?

" Y-yeah...I did make them." I replied back to them.

" Can I try some? It look so delicious!"

" Yeah me too!"

" Oi Takagi, give some too!"

" Free food!"

{ Not even two minutes later}

" Thanks for sharing!"

"You cook so well! You could be someone bride soon!"

" Thank you Takagi, gotta practice now!"

" So delicious!"

'...Did these mother trucker compliment me and took all my food? I cook it so well that I didn't even get to try most of it!

No, I didn't even get to eat all the delicious thing I cook from last night!


*Insert anime school bells ring*

The bell has rang to indicate that lunch is done.

" ...I'll get my revenge... Just so you wait..." As I said quietly while crying invisible tear.

(⁠ ⁠≧⁠Д⁠≦⁠)

{Girlish charm: Level up}

Not too long ago , I was just busy making content and streaming and I was about to enjoy some time with my family but I unfortunately died because of some weird entity mistake. But, they give me another chance to live in the end.

Formally known as Ryse park (male) , 22 year old Glitch streamer and ex-Idol. Now, my current identity is a girl name Takagi Ai (Female), a 14 year old student at Yohei middle school.

I have been transmigrated into a different world and dimensions and now I am currently am a second year middle school student.

So now I have become a student and I somehow need to find somewhere for me to live because living in the orphanage is not really good for a long term if I stay in this place.

I lived in an orphanage that is name sakuragaoka orphanage and now I'm thinking of plan to seek new place to live.

That is my current situation for now.

' so many things to think..'

" Takagi, can you help me at the library?"

"Sure!" Looks like I have more responsibility today.

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