Chapter - 5: Kindling

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Command Post,

Near Line of Actual Control,

Arunachal Pradesh,


06:00 hours,

Major Siddhart Singh paced restlessly, anxiety evident on his face, as he awaited the latest update from the frontlines.

It had been a nightmare since the Rogue Chinese Militants known as the 'Longwang Zhànshì' assaulted their positions a few weeks back, taking advantage of the chaos following the transference event, the audacious Longwang forces had exploited a poorly guarded portion of the border, swiftly intruding across the LOC.
Their onslaught had been hindered only by the treacherous Himalayan terrain, which prevented the use of heavy vehicles and the lack of any significant air assets.
Nevertheless, they had managed to breach 20 km from the Line of Control, resulting in the capture or death of an unarmed 3-man patrol near the border.

Much to Siddhart's horror, they had gone beyond mere military aggression.
The bastards had stormed a border village, occupying it and taking its innocent residents hostage.

"Damnit!" he shouted, slamming his fist onto the table, infuriated by the strategic hellhole they found themselves in and even more by the bureaucratic red tape. The need for explicit authorisation from the High Command had hampered their initial response, leaving them susceptible to Longwang's ambushes.

Fortunately, relief was on the horizon as the formidable 42nd Armoured Regiment and the 24th Mechanized Battalion, escorted by the aerial prowess of the 106th IAF units, Sukhoi Su-30MKI's, were en route.

Their imminent arrival would signal a potent counteroffensive against the Longwang forces and bolster their defence to prevent further incursions.
Siddhart felt a glimmer of hope, knowing that the combined strength of these units would tilt the scales back in their favour.

Despite the reassuring thought of reinforcements, Siddhart's immediate concerns persisted.
As a young lieutenant entered the command centre, his uniform slightly stained with dust and sweat, he promptly saluted Major Siddhart Singh, "Sir, the Longwang forces have stopped their artillery barrage on our forward fortifications. Our counter-battery teams are in position and ready to respond."

Siddhart quickly nodded and commanded, "Initiate the ATAGS for retaliation. We must maintain our position and create a buffer zone until the 42nd arrives."

The lieutenant's eyes reflected determination, acknowledging with a swift salute. "Understood, Sir!" he responded, turning on his heel and sprinting towards the artillery units, ready to unleash the Advanced Towed Artillery Gun System's firepower on the enemy positions. The echo of war drums had sounded, and the Indian forces were ready to respond.

The thunderous roar of the ATAGS reverberated through the snowy mountains, momentarily drowning out all other sounds. Plumes of smoke trailed behind the 155mm ramjet shells as they arched through the sky, their trajectory meticulously targeted towards the Front Line.
The sun glinted off their metal casings, making them appear like deadly shooting stars destined for death and destruction.

Soldiers nearby had taken cover, their hands pressed against their ears, feeling the concussive force of each firing. The ground trembled, and a wave of dust rose from the positions, blending with the smoke and creating a haze that partially obscured vision.

After the initial volley's deafening cacophony, a tense silence settled, punctuated only by the distant thuds of artillery impacts and the methodical movements of the artillery crew, swiftly preparing for the next round of fire.

The artillery barrage's sheer force was evident in the sporadic plumes of smoke and fire visible on the horizon scarring the land, as the shells found their targets obliterating poorly protected Long Wang personnel and equipment.

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