Chapter - 4: A New Reality

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Qua-Toyne Principality,
Qua-Toyne City,
Prime Minister's Official Residence,

Prime Minister Kanata was pacing around nervously in the reception room as he waited for the foreign diplomats to arrive.

Under normal circumstances, the foreign ministry would organise a ball to welcome any new diplomats first and only then move on to establishing diplomatic ties as they laid the groundwork over a few months or years depending on their level of cooperation.

After a rigorous review and renegotiation process, the heads of state would convene to finalise a treaty, thereby solidifying a new friendship between nations.

However, the current emergency, particularly the escalating tensions on the Lourian border, demanded a deviation from the norm. The prospect of facing another adversary, especially one demonstrating advanced metallurgy through their formidable warships, was untenable. Yet, if the UN proved to be tyrannical, they would have little choice but to comply and accede to their demands.

It was truly pathetic for a head of state to feel so helpless, yet the mere sight of their warships warranted significant caution in dealings. What other horrors might they conceal if they could achieve such technological feats?

Unable to shake off the nervousness, Kanata tried to reassure himself. "Calm down, it's going to be fine," he muttered, entering the room.
He was promptly greeted, by an entourage of diplomats, who had been guided there just a few moments before and now rose to their feet in respect.

In an instant, a woman with dark brown hair approached him, extending her arm in an unusual gesture. "Hello, my name is Astrid Berg, a representative of the United Nations," she announced. "It is my utmost pleasure to be accommodated by you on such short notice; please accept my gratitude. Beside me are the diplomats from our remaining constituent and founding nation-states. It is an honour for us, to meet the Prime Minister without any previous mediation."

Kanata surveyed the group of approximately 12 individuals, all ostensibly human, though some bore such exotic skin that he nearly confused them with dark elves. He had never encountered such dark-skinned humans before today.
With a swift nod, he courteously replied though, not returning the gesture, "Yes, it's our pleasure. Please, make yourselves comfortable."

On his side, Kanata was accompanied by Foreign Minister Rinsui and five other members from the ministry as they took their seats.

Without hesitation, Rinsui with a bow, sharply, announced, "I will preside over this meeting. I am Rinsui, Quatoyne's Minister of Foreign Affairs. May the honourable gentlemen and women before me please introduce themselves and state their purposes?" He dove straight into the heart of matters with his inquiry.

Within moments, a rather robust man rose, declaring with confidence, "My name is Maverick Wilson, representing the United States of America. It is my sincere pleasure to meet Your Excellency."

He was swiftly followed by the Russian diplomat, who bowed curtly, expressing, "My utmost gratitude for meeting us on such short notice. I am Victor Mikhaylov, representing the Russian Federation."

As he concluded, a raven-haired woman stepped forward, announcing, "Greetings to our friends in this new world. I am Lian Wang, representing the People's Republic of China."

Next, the dark-skinned gentleman, whom Kanata had found unusual, stood, stating, "I am Dhruv Rawat, representing the Republic of India. We are most delighted to meet you at this juncture."

Lastly, a silent, spectacled man stood, articulating, "My name is Tanaka Kazuhisa, a diplomat from Japan. Despite our abrupt visit today, I am pleased that the country's representative will meet with us. It is an honour for us; please allow me to express our utmost gratitude."

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