Chapter 23 - Warzone

Start from the beginning

Lucas arrived about 15 minutes later on a motorcycle.

"A motorcycle?" I asked as he took off his helmet.

"Yeah, motorcycles are much more fun than cars."

"But you've always driven a car." I stated.

He looked at me silently.

"So where do you want to go?" he asked.

I sat on the motorcycle behind him quickly and directed him where to go. As soon as we got there, I told him to wait as I stepped inside my former house.

"Liam! Dorothy!" I shouted. There was no reply. My heart fell.

I searched through the rooms with a mask of horror on my face. No. Not them too. I was about to go upstairs when I froze and stepped back, staring at the wall.

You're next NA.

The words were written in blood which made a million thoughts rush through my head. And they had put down my initials. Who's blood was it written in? Why didn't they write down my name?

I looked down at the floor, frowning, my brain thinking fast. Maybe they didn't write my name because of the police... if someone say this, no one would have known who Nicole Adams was... no one, and I mean the public and even my personal work colleagues didn't even know I lived here. No one would think that 'NA' stood for a famous model.

Liam and Dorothy weren't here. What happened to them? I knew I should get out of here quickly but I couldn't bring myself to move. I sensed someone behind me and slowly turned my head around even though my heart was beating fast. I was expecting Lucas to be standing there and not some guy with a creepy smile like they showed in the movies but what I found made my heart beat even faster.

"Who are you?" I asked bravely. There was a man with dark blonde hair and icy blue eyes standing there with a sinister smirk as he stared at me.

"Who am I?" he asked, leaning towards me. "Who are you?"

I didn't feel comfortable with him so close to me so I stepped back but I felt another body behind me, as soon as I made contact with the person behind me, I jumped forward but they dragged me back. I was so scared right now, my breathing was uneven as the two men looked at me as if I was their next meal. I tried to look past them to see where Lucas was but the front door had closed. Where was he?

"What's a pretty girl like you doing in a neighbor hood so..." the one behind me stopped to smell my neck and I felt myself becoming more and more nervous. "Dangerous?"

He whispered the last word into my ear and the sound made chills climb up my back. I gulped, trying to stay quiet so they don't hurt me. I just hope they didn't know that I was Tristan's sister, or Damario's daughter.

"I like this one." the other man with dark blonde hair said as they both sandwiched me between them. "She's quiet."

He moved closer to me and I stumbled back away from him to get pushed into the one behind me.

"Hmm... it looks like she's already been marked." the one behind me said sadly as he glanced at my neck.

"Hopefully not mated though." the blonde one said, grinning as his hands lowered towards my jeans. I panicked and pushed him away, I realized that that was a mistake when he recovered and growled at me. I made a run for it, ripping myself out of the other guys' arm and running upstairs. I already heard them chasing me and I quickly ran into my room.

As soon as I closed the door, the two men barged in and the dark blonde was angry while the other smirked with an amused expression. I looked around for ways of escape and I saw a window that I could easily fit through. I knew I shouldn't go to it so obviously and so I made up a plan.

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