Chapter 22 - Battle Cry

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I was in the forest, sitting down on a hard, bumpy rock, trying to clean Tristan's blood off my mouth but it had tasted so good. What was I doing? Why was I here?

I shouldn't be alone in the forest , wiping Tristan's blood off my mouth. I shouldn't be wiping Tristan's blood off my anything. I regretted everything, I wanted to take it all back. I felt sick and nauseous, knowing that I had just drank blood, knowing that there was blood inside of me that was not mine. At that moment, I had just wanted blood. It didn't matter who's. Just hot, thick, blood.

I'm a monster.

That same phrase repeated over and over in my head until it was branded into my mind. It was true. I was a freak. A freak of a werewolf.

I heard footsteps behind me. Tristan. I didn't know what to say, I was quivering all over. I knew I shouldn't have done it, I knew this would effect our relationship, we would distance ourselves from one another after this. I took a deep breath and turned around, my eyes widening at the figure stood infront of me.

"Hello." her cool, low voice said.

"H-hi." I stammered back, my heart beat increasing. Tristan told me not to come here alone, what was I going to do with her?

"He's not always right, you know." she said smoothly.

"I-I know that." I replied nervously. "What do you-"

"Andrew was right." she said softly, staring into space dreamily. "All the time."

I felt a wave of guilt rush over me, stealing the colour from my face with it. I wondered how much pain she must be feeling, losing her mate because I had thought I lost mine. I knew that cold, lonely feeling when you lose that person, you just wanted to die of emptiness. Like you had just lost your other half.

"But the one time he was wrong, he got caught in a game against fate." her gentle yet emotionless voice was freaking me out as I stood awkwardly, staring at her until her ruby eyes looked at me. "You have his eyes."

"What? No, I don't." I objected.

"Dark blue with a ring of green, bordered by black." she said. "Most werewolf girls look like their father, as most male werewolves would look like their mother."

"Oh." I replied after a pause, planning my escape.

"You need to learn to embrace your Immorality, Scarlett." she murmured lowly before reaching her hand out for me. "I can help you."

"No." I succeeded in keeping my voice strong. "I don't need your help."

"Tristan won't always be there." she muttered more forcefully, pushing her hand forwards. "I'll say it again, I can help you."

"How?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

"You have no one here. Everyone's a Pure." she said. "Everyone looks down on you-on us. I am an Immoral, Scarlett. I can teach you everything you need to know, you won't feel trapped anymore, I promise."

I stared at her pale face, the dark bags under her eyes, and I stepped forward almost absentmindedly, reaching my hand towards hers. Just as our hands were about to touch, a figure ran up to us and I got distracted.

"Stop!" Daniel shouted, making me look at him and frown. Why was he here? And why was Nicole with him? Where was Tristan?

My stepmother let out a bitter laugh that made me cold.

"What's this?" she questioned, staring at Nicole. "Damario had a daughter?"

Nicole's eyes were wide with alarm and fear, trembling, showing me a side of her I've never seen. Next to her, I saw Daniel gesturing me over which is when everything snapped back into place. Athena was the enemy.

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