Chapter 5

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It was lunch time and I had this period with Avery, Jackson, and Greyson. This should be fun. Triple threat.

Entering the cafeteria with Greyson on my back was not ideal. I didn't want people getting the wrong idea. Now of days if a girl is seen with a guy they make rumors and assumptions right off the back. He would randomly start grabbing me and touching me when I did something he didn't approve of. I'm being treated like a damn dog. Just a minute ago I was texting my grandma what grocery's I wanted and he grabbed my hand and read my texts. He smirks at the text that read "I'll have pizza rolls, Coke Zero, and some Doritos please." I'm starting to lose my temper with this guy. No privacy whatsoever.

We find the table Avery and Jackson got for us. "Max! How has your first day been so far?" Avery asked excitedly, but I didn't get how she could act like this after what I saw happen before. She looked so sad 2 hours ago and now she is all smiles. She must really be in deep with this juice head. I just wanted to hug her and tell her everything would be alright, but I know Greyson would disapprove approve of that. "My day has been fine. I hate my third period teacher, she's a pain in my ass." "Oh Mrs. White? I have her too. She is so annoying."

Me and Avery just went on with our little rant and then about our days and when we finished she began to eat her lunch. She always made the cutest lunches and this year was no different. I'm happy something's didn't change. She would cut up her ham sandwich into heart shapes and her watermelon slices into stars. I always admired her passion to make everything positive. "Hey Av, do you have Advil, my head is killing me?" "I have Advil and medicine more made for headaches, which one do you want?" I couldn't tell her that my body also hurt even though I wanted to. I hated keeping secrets from her, it just feels so wrong, but then again she is keeping one from me too. "I'll just stick with Advil, Thank you." Greyson looks at me with a grin on his face. Almost as if he looked proud of what he did to me. This was going to be a long school year. Dreading it already.

"So how have you guys been getting along?" Jackson asked me and Greyson with his stupid shit eating grin. "She's quite the handful, but she's cute." Greyson says patting his hand on my shoulder. I give him the hardest side eye of my life. "He's chill." is all I say, biting my tongue to keep in the truth. I usually speak my mind freely without worrying about the consequences. I know now not to make that mistake. "Ooo I'm so excited you guys are getting along! I can't wait for this year and the memories!" Oh there will definitely be memories from this year, doubly good ones, definitely memorable though.

"I'm gonna use the bathroom, wanna come Max?" "Yeah of course." As I'm getting up, Greyson squeezes my thigh hard and mouths the words 'behave.' It's the first time me and Avery will be alone since I came back. This was my only opportunity to ask her if she was truly alright. But all I can think about are the consequences that come with this. It's like the Angel and devil are on my shoulder. 'If you get her to tell you the truth, this whole problem can be solved.' 'If she doesn't and the boys find out about it, think of the mess it will cause.'

We go into the bathroom, we both go in stalls and do our business. I finish before her and just stare in the mirror while washing my hands, contemplating my options. Ask her. Don't ask her. Ask her. Don't ask her. I think back to my earlier conversation. "Your friends blinded with love."
"If he wants something, then he will have it and I'll make sure that happens. No matter the consequences."
Would it even make a difference if I ask her? Avery then walks out of the stall and she walks up to the sink to wash her hands. I get a close look at her and notice marks on her neck. Dark red marks, they almost look purple. I can't tell if they are bruise or just hickeys. If you ask me it's a mixture of both. That was why she wasn't wearing her normal outfits. This was the sign I needed.

"Hey Av, I just wanted to let you know that if you need to tell me anything, anything at all I'm all ears." And with that I grab her in for a tight hug. "Aww I know Maxxy, thank you I will if I ever need to!" She said nothing else after that. No word about Jackson. Nothing I wanted to hear. I guess this will be harder than I thought. I break the hug and she gives me a reassuring smile. It didn't reassure me at all though.

As we are leaving the girls bathroom, we both walk out and are unexpectedly greeted...

They were standing outside the bathroom the entire time. Listening to our conversation. I'm not safe anywhere. It's like he knows my every move. And now I'm dead. When I hesitated to look up, I connected eye contact with Greyson, he has a stone cold face on.

Now I'm really really fucked.

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