Chapter 7

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I get into my house and just fall to the floor. What a day. First my best friend gets a boyfriend, then that guy ends up being a total psycho and to add to that, his cousin is even more of a psycho.

I'm exhausted from if all. I need to sleep this off, maybe it's all just a dream. I get into my pajamas and take off my makeup. I jump into bed even though it's like 4pm. I don't care I'm going to sleep, I'll need the extra hours of rest.

The next morning comes and I do my normal thing. Make bed, brush teeth, take a shower, do my makeup, figure out an outfit, then make myself breakfast. I didn't feel very hungry this morning so I just had toast with butter. While I'm cleaning up breakfast, I hear honking outside. How's honking this early in the morning. I peak my head through the curtains to see Greyson and I lock eye contact. "Fuck!" I totally forgot he was coming.

Ding ding ding

My phone begins to ring. So I pick it up knowing who it is. "Good morning sunshine, time for school." "I'm not ready yet." "Well if you aren't ready in the next ten minutes I'm coming inside." "Wait-" "9 minutes and 55 seconds." "Okay okay!" Hanging up the phone, I run upstairs to get my belongings and fix my hair. About 8 minutes later, I'm rushing out of my house. Greyson's leaning on the outside his car. "Right on time." I roll my eyes, he opens the passenger door for me and I go inside.

As he drives off he begins an unwanted conversation. "Do you always wear such revealing clothing." Im wearing a skirt and a baby tee what's revealing about that. "Excuse me?" "We are going to school, not the club. What's with those miniskirts for fuck sake." "Oh you don't like it? I'll make sure to wear it more often." "Who said I don't like them?" I look over at him with a weird look. He returns my look with a cocky smile. As we are pulling up to school, barely anyone's there because of how early he picked me up. "Why so early?" He turns over to me and says "Listen, now today you're not gonna pull any funny tricks on me or Jackson. You're going to behave like a good little girl and not be stupid." "Sure I will." He grabs my thigh tightly, "Love your enthusiasm Maxine."

We still have 30 minutes til first period and Avery hasn't even arrived yet so I'm stuck with him. He still hasn't taken his hand off my thigh. I tried to get it off ten minutes ago but failed. Greysons eyes are locked on my thigh and I don't know what to do. Im a tough person but I think I might have met my match. He's stronger than me so if he wants something from me, he can take it and I won't lie, it kind of scares me. "Do you purposely try to tempt boys with these." He blurts out as he pulls on my skirt. "Stop and no I don't, I like them. I couldn't care less what others think of me." "I see the way the boys stare at you in the hallway as you strut past them in your booty skirt, your ass is basically on display." This is not true at all. My skirts always go down to my mid thigh, he is exaggerating. "You're being dramatic and gross. Stop thinking of me like that." "How can I not when you show up like this." He tightens his grip again, digging his rings into my skin. An uncontrollable noise shoots out from my throat.

Greyson finally removes his hand and I see he left a big red hand mark. I gasp so loud and he just looks at me and laughs. "This ain't funny asshole, now everyone is gonna see what u did." "I got a pair of sweats in my back seat." "There's no way I'm wearing your clothes. Id rather be butt ass naked." "Suit yourself princess."

It's time for first period and Greyson unlocks his car. I jump out and see the mark didn't go away. "Shit" I mumble under my breath. "Last chance to take the sweats" Greyson says coming around the car and towards me. "No." He shrugs it off and we walk to the lockers to meet with Avery and Jackson. Once I see Avery we greet each other with a hug while Jackson dabs up Greyson. "Did you guys come here together?" Avery questions. "N-" "Yeah we did, I'm her ride." Greyson answers before I could get a word in. "How nice of you Greyson!" Avery is all smiles and still oblivious to it all.

We go our separate ways and go on with our day. It's basically the same like yesterday. We sit with each other and he just bosses me around while I have to "obey" him. I miss when school used to be boring, now it's like I'm walking on egg shells but instead of egg shells, they are shards of glass. One wrong move and I get slammed against the wall.

Is this my karma in life? Can karma tale the form of a human being?

Authors note: if you have any song recommendations let me know>>

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