Chapter 3

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First period ended and I packed up my stuff and made my way to second period. I couldn't manage to be late my first day. I didn't have this period with Greyson since it was art class. I have always loved art, painting was my favorite. It was the second best thing besides being with Avery when I was struggling. When I paint, it makes me forget about the world and express my feelings. I don't like talking about my feelings, it makes me feel weak. My parents and I never really had the type of relationship where we talked about our emotions. All my paintings have meaning behind them, but no one ever understood them, not even Avery, but I don't blame her because she doesn't have an artistic eye. Plus I can just tell her about it so it never came up for her to ask me there true meanings.

The bell rang and I made my way to third period which was on the third floor. When I made it up the stairs, I had to act like I wasn't struggling to breathe. Purposely walking slower to catch my breathe, almost everyone was there already. Walking into the classroom, I saw that Greyson was already sitting in a seat. I ignore him and go to the back of the room again. Once I get settled, someone sits next to me and I realize it was Greyson. He got up and moved his seat next to mine. "Avoiding me already?" He says not too loudly. I was kinda shocked when I heard his voice for the first time. It was very masculine and not going to lie attractive. I don't know what to say to him so I just don't say anything at all.

The class began and the teacher was way too excited for the year. It was everyone's last year and we all just want to get through this year and having a teacher jump around the room at 10am wasn't helping. I needed a break from this woman already so I asked to use the restroom. She writes me a bathroom pass and wrote a big smiley face on the paper and spelt my name wrong. 'Magine Rey' How does one mess up so bad? I don't even bring it up and just rush out of that damn classroom. I begin to think to myself how many times I can skip that class and still pass it. While exiting the staircase, I hear a noise, a concerning noise. I peak my head around the corner of the hallway and spot two students. One student is being pushed against the wall, a girl. And the other student, a guy, trapping them and what looks to be the two arguing. I move a bit closer to get a better look and notice who they are...

Avery and Jackson. Avery is against the lockers and she looks both helpless and sad. Jackson doesn't stop talking and constantly keeps grabbing her to keep her from leaving. Seeing this scene makes me sick to my stomach, so I do what any good friend would and go to intervene. But all of a sudden, someone grabs my waist and smacks me straight against the hard concrete wall. My vision goes blank for a split second and when I snap out of it. I see a big tall figure who could only be one person, Greyson.

As I was going to yell, he puts his huge hand over my mouth shushing me. His rings are cold on my skin. "Where do you think you're going Princess?" I grab his hand and try to pry it off my face. "Shh shh, listen to me okay. I'll take my hand away if you promise not to scream or do something stupid. Deal?" I'm not that stupid, so I struggle some more clawing at his hands with my nails, but then he got tired of my shenanigans and grabbed both of my hands above my head with his available hand. My feet were lifting off the floor and it felt as if my body was on a stretcher torture device. Trying to stay on the floor, I go on the top of my tippy toes. "Are you going to behave or do I have to keep hurting you?" He says staring deep into my eyes. "I'll behave." I spoke against his hand reluctantly. I hate giving in and
being degraded, but I couldn't bare the pain much longer. I have a high pain tolerance, but fuck this guy was strong. "Now shall I explain what's happening?"

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