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??: "Are you lost baby-girl~" *I immediately turned around and saw-*

Y/N: "W-who are u ?"

??: "Don't mind me dear......want some beer to release your stress ?"

Y/N: "I-I am f-fine~"

??: "I guess u are not..."

Then he smirked at me and before I could protest anymore he dragged me to the nearby bar.

*Time skip*

"OnE mOrE cUp~" I said in a drunk voice

"Ma'am I guess you are not okay.....u took more than 25 shots"

"I tOld U~ GiVe mE~" I shouted in response and immediately blacked out.

??: *smirks* " How can you even escape from JYP.."

Then he lifts Y/N and took her in the backroom of the bar

"Today will be the most memorable day~" JYP mutters and started to laugh like a psychopath.

But suddenly the door burst open and-

But suddenly the door burst open and-

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"Long time no see Mr. J.Y Park"

"So u came here too huh" JYP replied in a cold voice.

"So u came here too huh" JYP replied in a cold voice

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"Why not....cuz I don't want my employee to get hurt" Shrek said as he smirked

"Ok lets see who wins her" JYP replied and 

And after that they started to fight. Shrek twisted JYP's arm and JYP kicked him back.

"So you kind of improved"

"Hmm now backoff kid" Shrek said and carried  Y/N in his arm and went away

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"Hmm now backoff kid" Shrek said and carried  Y/N in his arm and went away.

*Time Skip*


"where am I" *confused*

as I was wondering I suddenly noticed that I was sleeping with Shrek 

*widened eyes* "WTF...!!!" I shouted

"Why u shouting in the early morning" Shrek said while rubbing his eyes

"Wait....don't tell me you don't know anything what you did last night"

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