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Y/N POV :-

As I sit here, lost in the quiet hum of the evening, my mind drifts into a realm where fantasies dance freely. In this world of reverie, he appears, captivating me with his confident stride and the warmth that emanates from his captivating gaze. He possesses an allure that is both magnetic and soothing, a blend of charisma and kindness that draws me in effortlessly. His tousled hair frames a face that tells stories of laughter and contemplation, and his eyes hold mysteries waiting to be unraveled. In this daydream, every word he speaks is a symphony, each gesture a masterpiece. There's a thrilling anticipation in the mere thought of our intertwined destinies, where fleeting glances speak volumes, and shared smiles form an unspoken language. Oh, how my heart races at the mere notion of his presence, and in this reverie, time seems to pause, allowing the enchantment of his essence to envelop my senses completely.

He brought one hand between my thighs, his nimble fingers dancing over my sensitive flesh, all the while continuing the ministrations with his perfect mouth, tasting her skin. The moans tumbling from my mouth were outside her control, as were her movements; the clasp on his hair tightening, my pelvis lifting to push into his touch, opening my legs further to provide him better access, knees dropping to the side.

Shrek pulled back a little watching me and watching what he was doing to me, his jaw set, eyes dark and greedy.

"Fuck if this isn't so worth it," he said huskily.

My heart gave a throb, all my muscles tightening, and by the way his breath hitched and his features tensed further, he could feel it with his fingers. "Yes," I answered without hesitation, because how could I not.....


"huh?!!" I mumbled in reply and realized all of these was just a !!! y/n how could u?!!!

Donald: "dude you slept in the damn office!"

"You can go....I have to do some extra Duolingo sent me." I said

"Kay......take care I have to go!!"

"Bye!" I said in a low voice knowing that I have to do all the work by myself.



I headed towards the lift and as the door opened revealing the CEO

I headed towards the lift and as the door opened revealing the CEO

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I bowed and stepped inside......though this weird dream is still hunting in my mind.....

"So you were working late?" his husky voice went down through my spine......

"y-yes" I mumbled.......


"WHAT HAPPENED?!!" I panicked

"Maybe the lift is just malfunctioning..."

"WHAT!!!!!! WHY !!!!!!!!HOWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!"

"shushh....." he put his index finger on my cherry lips........

"i m here"



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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